Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just started snowing not long ago. Coming down fast and fine. Had a white coat on everything in a few minutes. Should be fun in the morning. Zzzz
Yeah, it's started here too. Schools have already been closed here and my work is closed too. Work from home day tomorrow for day for my daughter.
I can't get a forecast for here directly. 3 miles west and it's blizzard warning 12"-16"...3 miles east and it's winter storm warning 6"-10" snow/sleet.

Looks like we are the razor's edge between bad and worse. Given our history of which way we trend, looks like blizzard here.
well, the freaking out over tomorrow's storm has begun... news channels showing all kinds of cancellations.. this place is acting like Armageddon is upon us..

Don't worry if you can't spell Armageddon, it's not the end of the world.... :rolleyes:
Hey Chris, if you want to live off the grid get a steam powered electric generator and convert it to run using multiple fuel sources for the firebox (coal, wood, diesel, propane, etc) and use the waste heat from the electrical generation to heat the house in Winter and make hot water.

You can even add geothermal and passive solar to increase the efficiency of the boiler by preheating the water...

I have a gasoline powered turtle neck sweater I could sell him.... :D
Well been snowing now for a few hours. More mix then snow less then 1/2 inch so far.
Weather twinkie we have here predicted a 10 inch storm a few years back. We got nothing.
Her response. It snowed it just evaporated in the atmosphere.
So along that line of reason I guess if you lived above the clouds it would be sunny everyday.
How's the cold Karl. Feel any better?

Yes, I'm through the suffering part...

The fever is gone, and I'm feeling better, but still have a slight cough and some mucus to hack up now and then....

Still have some more to go before it's gone...
I doubt I will do it ...but I had a guy at a yard ask me what I am working on .....I said valiant wagon

he said about a 2 door wagon conversion ...

I said, that is cool but where is one to find 2 door doors and all the hardware and stuff

he says " I've got a pair of doors off a 65 Barracuda complete with hinges and glass ...50 bucks for the pair because I would like to see a 2 door wagon, that would be cool"
Just take of the exterior door handles and weld in and fill the back doors. Change over the front seat.
I forgot what state he lives in, Ray.. will it be the white stuff ?
I forgot what state he lives in, Ray.. will it be the white stuff ?
Pa. Mike. Heavy snow headed his way. I believe Keith and Tyke are in the purple also.
Not even snowing here I'm well South and a tad east of hoppy.