Stop in for a cup of coffee

Never been there, always wanted to check out an auto plant

I worked in a couple.

They're different when looking from the outside, than when you see them from the inside...

Little cliques and clans.... Like high school, but a bigger scale...
Any one have a throttle cable bracket for a 440? Does not have to be pretty.
Gang wars between GM and Chrysler huh?

No, there was a lady who worked on the trim line that had the same last name as me and we got along real good. :D

One day while they were going to lunch, she ran into me and was kidding around with me about being cousins (because of the same last name). :poke:

The next day someone from two lines over came up to her and said, "I didn't know that you were married to an engineer...." #-o

Rumor mills....

We were just friends joking around about having the same last name, and by the next day, there were rumors that we were married.... LOL!!!! #-o

Just like high school....

One of the maintenance guys who had a "preventive job" had a cage or what we called a crib (tool crib, maintenance crib, etc...). He ran the welding cart that would weld the chain that pulled the line back together if it broke. (When the line stops, minutes are ticking by).

In his spare time (while the line stayed running) he would sell snacks and beverages out of his crib. It was like a party store or 7-11 in the plant. He would get all kinds of fruit drinks, coffee, hot chocolate, candy, chips, etc. He had the best coffee in the plant, and many people would go to his crib for a snack instead of the cafeteria or vending machines...

Even the plant manager would send a "cronie" down there to fetch a coffee for him. The guy wasn't supposed to be selling beverages out of the crib, but everyone knew about it and just looked the other way. So the plant manager could not go get his own cup because he had to "pretend that he didn't know it wasn't there", or he would have to shut it down....

And nobody wanted him to be shut down as he had the best coffee... :coffee2:
I kind of refuse to spend 60 on a bracket. I have a torker II so it sits kind of high, just putting it out there. I can always beereneer something. the / cable looks long enough, I have a kick down cable set up and might be able to tack something on it. Still have a lot to do wiring, steering coupler, trans linkage etc.
I have to cut the lawn, The belt broke on the tractor so I have to start the old rider and see if it still works!
I have to mow too. And I went to get my new compressor. I brrought it home but I am done with Sears!
I have to mow too. And I went to get my new compressor. I brrought it home but I am done with Sears!

Yeah, you wouldn't believe what I went through to buy my last compressor from them.... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: