Stop in for a cup of coffee

We should get Scampy a license plate holder for the trailer.
Inside is a nova!
He hasn't been on. I thought I read somewhere he was using the trailer to move someone from Colorado to Utah.
Perhaps not must be the med.
He is on vacation somewhere I believe Wally world rings a bell for some reason.
Yay! Pizza!

Tree day pizza.jpg
He hasn't been on. I thought I read somewhere he was using the trailer to move someone from Colorado to Utah.
Perhaps not must be the med.
No, no...Mike was bowlin' in Colorado but may soon be bowlin' in Utah. I think that's what I heard anyway...
Well just finished washing the car. Crap I'm going to be up all night. Guess I'll go ut in the garage an move things around.
Makes about as much sense as anything else.
Or not...

I think most of reality is up for grabs since it seems to be completely flexible for every individual. Actual reality and facts seems to be nothing more than a suggestion for most people...they are much happier (or at least feel how they act is justified) in their own warped version of reality.

Unpleasant memories of the mistakes you made? Just change them so that you were right and everyone else got it wrong.
Hurt other people? Just change it so that they hurt you first so you were justified hurting them back.
Can't find success? Just blame mom and dad and corporate America for treating you unfairly and keeping you down.
Can't save money? Forget that you spent $250 last week on lunches, dinners and new clothes you didn't need and blame the government taxes keeping you poor.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. :rolleyes:
Since I can't sleep.
Things you will never hear.
Halifaxhops no beer for me.
Krazykarl that's not what she said.
BenDrinkin I wouldn't touch that.
DDaddy sorry I can't answer that question
Mopar mitch I hate haircuts
Scamp mike there's nothing wrong with my car looking like a nova

Feel free to add on.
Hey folks.

This afternoon I'll be heading into the city (Gothenburg) to be speaker in a boxing event together with my long-time friend "The Bucket" (in Swedish, of course).

It'll be fun, I'm sure, but I'm anxious about it. We've done it three times before and it's always a blast so I know I don't have anything to worry about really. Still don't feel good about it.

I think I really just want to stay home and spend time alone in the basement. There has been way to little of that lately.
Hey folks.

This afternoon I'll be heading into the city (Gothenburg) to be speaker in a boxing event together with my long-time friend "The Bucket" (in Swedish, of course).

It'll be fun, I'm sure, but I'm anxious about it. We've done it three times before and it's always a blast so I know I don't have anything to worry about really. Still don't feel good about it.

I think I really just want to stay home and spend time alone in the basement. There has been way to little of that lately.
You do realize that given those choices and your favoring the latter, you leave us to imagine what you hoped to do down there. :eek: :poke: