Stop in for a cup of coffee

Have to dismantle my tool box today. I had a drawer slide come apart. Going to have to unload and pull 3 or 4 drawers out to get to where the slide is mounted inside. Then track down a Matco man and see if I can get one. I haven't dealt with a Matco guy in this area.

George has to fix his drawers.... :rolleyes:
The worst thing about being told that you have Alzheimer's is it doesn't happen just once.... :rolleyes:
I recently heard a bit on the radio where a woman had to tell her mom that she was going to be a grandma over and over again.. kinda funny/cute at first, then it hits you how sad it is...
I recently heard a bit on the radio where a woman had to tell her mom that she was going to be a grandma over and over again.. kinda funny/cute at first, then it hits you how sad it is...
OMG I dont wish this disease on my worst enemy. Terrible.
The best thing about having Alzheimer's is getting to have sex with a stranger every day!
you guys did not like my joke?
You cant remember anyone from the day before! Not even your spouse. :rofl:
Tough crowd...
So Cosby considers a hung jury a "success"... Doesn't that read that he's really guilty... If you think a "tie" is a win, then you are guilty...

If you are innocent, then only a win is a win....
Went through it with my Dad . hard when they ask you who you are day after day.

When my grandpa had emphysema, he would call my dad at home at 3 AM and ask why he wasn't at work??? Dad would have to tell him that it's time to be asleep...

(He wasn't getting enough oxygen to his brain and couldn't think straight....)