Stop in for a cup of coffee

They usually start like the first pic then....
What, if I may ask, is an electrical MAP?
Im mapping out an electrical harness for a system here at work. I'm having to compile a series of harnesses from various vendors and make them go to the right place. problem is, being from different vendors, its a biotch as nothing lines up where it is supposed too
Im mapping out an electrical harness for a system here at work. I'm having to compile a series of harnesses from various vendors and make them go to the right place. problem is, being from different vendors, its a biotch as nothing lines up where it is supposed too
Ew. I can see how that gets old pretty much instantly. I always get the pin-outs wrong.
I accidentally came across a run-down of the 2007 BMW M3 4-litre V8. Check out the headers on it:


It's redline:d at 8,400 rpm.
Off to take the wife out for anniversary dinner. See you all later
Splurge a little and let her order fries with her Big Mac. :D
I'm driving 3 hrs to a 4 star Italian restaurant that costs 75-100 a plate, she can get fries some other time
I'm driving 3 hrs to a 4 star Italian restaurant that costs 75-100 a plate, she can get fries some other time

I have plenty of those within 20 minutes of me... :steering:

Why do you have to drive so far for Italian food???

You need to get out of the boonies.... :poke: