Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sounds like you are over the hump then...more than half-way home.

Of course, No way I could rebuild it like it was. O noo! wife, "It has to be bigger"!! It is on the outside of the house so bigger it is! Damn!
YAY!! My Dad is finally moved into his new facility and has just settled down for bed.

He seems happy and content with no signs of stress from the adventure. It was an all day process of moving him first and then keeping him distracted at the new facility while the movers relocated all his stuff and his new room was arranged so it would feel familiar for him.

Fingers crossed that he settles in quickly and comfortably in the new routine and surroundings. But, so far it's good.
Of course, No way I could rebuild it like it was. O noo! wife, "It has to be bigger"!! It is on the outside of the house so bigger it is! Damn!
Building a gabled roof where there was a flat roof is the real work.
hi hello coffee crew ......nice summer evening.

I got a comp day out of work so I was trying to make another load for scrap around the yard. gotta love these long summer days suitable for working outside :)
Good. How goes the move? Must be a drag having to scrap all of your Mopar treasure.
Scraping non Mopar cars is easy, even if b there was a money loss, but selling mopars even at a profit is a whole different story and its hard to let go on some of them
Hey Karl.

I've decided to go Linux on a discarded computer I got from 'work'. I've been sort oof wanting one for a while. A lot of interesting programming stuff online is available a lot easier - if not only - for Linux. Like ready-made machine learning stuff, for instance. AI. I think I'll train one to spot mopars in pictures online. :)
Hey Karl.

I've decided to go Linux on a discarded computer I got from 'work'. I've been sort oof wanting one for a while. A lot of interesting programming stuff online is available a lot easier - if not only - for Linux. Like ready-made machine learning stuff, for instance. AI. I think I'll train one to spot mopars in pictures online. :)

That sounds pretty cool...

My son had a computer set up with Linux for a while...
That sounds pretty cool...

My son had a computer set up with Linux for a while...
It's prolly ging to take a little getting used to. Way quicker installation than Win7 that I did on the same computer the other day. Already done, in fact.
This installation on a desktop was a breeze. Maybe on a laptop there could be issues; they often have less common drivers.

I don't like laptops, the mouse sucks and the batteries go out within a year and you have to plug them in like a desktop anyway...
I don't like laptops, the mouse sucks and the batteries go out within a year and you have to plug them in like a desktop anyway...
that's not true at all - I way prefer my laptop over a desk top - - the mouse isn't a mouse and if I get sick of the touch pad I can use the screen, and the only thing I plug in is the power cord - you may want to check out some Win10 laptops - super easy to use