Stop in for a cup of coffee

They will build a better bond with Chris....

My oldest son has NEVER gone to visit his mother...

However, he has gone to visit her parents whenever he can get the time to go... He's seen his grandparents about 4-5 times in the last year...

He hasn't gone to see his mother at her place EVER...

The only time he sees her, is when she comes HERE to visit....

The little brother has gone to visit mom a few times...
the oldest, the boy is 10. he is, the 6 yr old niece, she's babied and protected by mommy so she thinks she gets away with anything.... and sadly does. she'll hit, bite, kick, steal, etc. When she gets put in timeout, she screams and screams, we make her sit there until she stops. But when she goes home to mommy, we get chewed out for "being too mean to her". The boy on the other hand, no trouble at all and if he doesn do something and gets in trouble, he takes his punishment and moves on.
Yup it is so humid I've been lazy about riding my bike. I'm reading a really good old book Main Street that is set in the nineteen-teens small town MN, it is real literature and has a lot of words I have to look up their meanings. Also I cheated on my "diet" and ate a whole bag of Heath Bars so this Saturday's weigh-in might not be too impressive...
Dang boring sharks these days, not like they used to be haha!

It's just the shows aren't as interesting...

Michael Phelps not racing a real shark??? If he had been racing a real shark, he may have found extra drive to beat the shark, instead of loose by 2 seconds after getting special equipment to help him...

Why didn't they try to hang arms and legs on the shark to make him swim like Michael Phelps instead....

Really, you either beat him straight up or not...

It's like the old days of street racing... Some guy would say that he could beat you and ask you to race... Then if you accept he asks how many car length head start you are going to give him... Really??? You challenge me to a race telling me that you are faster, then want a head start??? If you were faster, then you wouldn't need a head start...

Go f*ck yourself, you either race heads-up or no race.... <<<does this make me a 'racist'???>>>>
It's just the shows aren't as interesting...

Michael Phelps not racing a real shark??? If he had been racing a real shark, he may have found extra drive to beat the shark, instead of loose by 2 seconds after getting special equipment to help him...

Why didn't they try to hang arms and legs on the shark to make him swim like Michael Phelps instead....

Really, you either beat him straight up or not...

It's like the old days of street racing... Some guy would say that he could beat you and ask you to race... Then if you accept he asks how many car length head start you are going to give him... Really??? You challenge me to a race telling me that you are faster, then want a head start??? If you were faster, then you wouldn't need a head start...

Go f*ck yourself, you either race heads-up or no race.... <<<does this make me a 'racist'???>>>>
the first one (that I saw) was about killer whales hunting dolphin - that was cool - - otherwise, yea - pretty lame
the oldest, the boy is 10. he is, the 6 yr old niece, she's babied and protected by mommy so she thinks she gets away with anything.... and sadly does. she'll hit, bite, kick, steal, etc. When she gets put in timeout, she screams and screams, we make her sit there until she stops. But when she goes home to mommy, we get chewed out for "being too mean to her". The boy on the other hand, no trouble at all and if he doesn do something and gets in trouble, he takes his punishment and moves on.

Yeah, she can't manipulate you like she can mom, so she's going to throw you under the bus for not letting her get away with it...

She goes home and whines to mommy how mean you were so she gets to play the victim and get that 'special' attention from mom....

She doesn't like that you discipline her and mom lets her get away with it..

She's playing her mom against you to try to manipulate you...

You should just keep your ground and hold it strong... She will at least learn to behave in front of you...

(She'll still be a brat around mom...)
Yep... Where was Bush when he was called on for duty??? He disappeared...

They get someone to pull some strings to get them desk jobs so they don't get hurt...

It's the middle and low class that have to do all the fighting...

and working... and tax paying...

Ok time to get moving, maybe this discussion of life we had here will keep me from being an a-hole today.....nah!:lol:
I don't have any relatives that served in Viet Nam...

My dad said that they did do a little off shore patrolling at the beginning of Viet Nam when he was in the Navy, but luckily they never got involved in the fighting before he got out... They were there mainly for a show of strength by just being there... He got out somewhere between late 66 and early 67....

I think one of my grandpa's brothers got killed in WWII...
my grandparents came from Germany, theres over 3 dozen men, all relatives that died in WW2 from my family over there

Oh well you'll see it provides some emotional release between Veterans and it put a lump in my throat seeing them talking together.

yeah, I've been to the one in DC years ago during an 8th grade trip. I have a goal that I am going to spend Christmas Eve at the Wall one year. I dont know why, but its something I've wanted to do for a long time now. Should have done it before having the kids but never could find the funds during college and the first couple years after to do it.
my grandparents came from Germany, theres over 3 dozen men, all relatives that died in WW2 from my family over there

yeah, I've been to the one in DC years ago during an 8th grade trip. I have a goal that I am going to spend Christmas Eve at the Wall one year. I dont know why, but its something I've wanted to do for a long time now. Should have done it before having the kids but never could find the funds during college and the first couple years after to do it.
My wifes grandfather was killed in WW2 this was him..Robert Martinek - Wikipedia

He was NOT a Nazi.....NOT.....Just a soldier fighting for his country.
my grandparents came from Germany, theres over 3 dozen men, all relatives that died in WW2 from my family over there

My grandpa on my mom's side and at least two of his brothers were in WWII... (One of them is the one that died....)

Interesting, his parents were German also... I'm not sure if they came from Germany or were born here... My mom was 3/4 German and 1/4 Polish.... (There's some Kraut in our family....)
My grandpa on my mom's side and at least two of his brothers were in WWII... (One of them is the one that died....)

Interesting, his parents were German also... I'm not sure if they came from Germany or were born here... My mom was 3/4 German and 1/4 Polish.... (There's some Kraut in our family....)
not un common, lots of Germans left Germany post WW1. Some answered the call of Volksdeutsche and returned to the "Vaterland". Good thing his didn't
my grandparents came from Germany, theres over 3 dozen men, all relatives that died in WW2 from my family over there
My grand mother and her 2 sisters came over from Germany in the 30's. Their brother, my great uncle, came over after the war with serial # tattoo. None would ever talk about it, or religion other then my uncle helping them with fare to get to the US. They all took their secrets to their grave. Nothing was ever discussed with my father either.
Hey, he was on the other side... :poke:
The story of how he died is wrong. In reality, the Nazi's tried to kill anyone that knew of what they were up to, near the end of the war. They killed my mother in laws father. She lives with us today, and is a wonderful person.
My grand mother and her 2 sisters came over from Germany in the 30's. Their brother, my great uncle, came over after the war with serial # tattoo. None would ever talk about it, or religion other then my uncle helping them with fare to get to the US. They all took their secrets to their grave. Nothing was ever discussed with my father either.

That generation was like that...

Don't talk about it and keep everything bottled up...

Always show your strong side, never reveal any weakness....
as promised pics of the cabinet @ScampMike

