Stop in for a cup of coffee

First consideration was Hoppy....But I learned years ago he is much better than me with comebacks! He would clip my wings and snicker as he walked away...I was even in a sword battle with him a couple years back....He is hard to beat in the prank department! But no better friend could a guy have.
Left the camera in the shop and have to Uber the wife around in a bit, will post later. I wonder if I can get small silk screens made of some of the common stuff on these machines, usually so bad I just paint right over them, ON/OFF etc.

You drive a camera for Uber???
First consideration was Hoppy....But I learned years ago he is much better than me with comebacks! He would clip my wings and snicker as he walked away...I was even in a sword battle with him a couple years back....He is hard to beat in the prank department! But no better friend could a guy have.
oh - the "Scamp/Nova magnet" proves beyond a shadow that he is WAY good at it -- I try to stay out of the direct line... try
it's all funny until someone gets hurt - - then it's just hilarious! :lol:
Now that's funny right there.

Ah I have to be politically correct here at work (which I am not) I had an inmate file a grievance on me for something really stupid....then we have this female intern and I had to say let her shadow someone else because the way I talk to the inmates offends her. I told her she can like them all she wants but NEVER forget where you are and we are highly outnumbered.
oh - the "Scamp/Nova magnet" proves beyond a shadow that he is WAY good at it -- I try to stay out of the direct line... try
Exactly...the magnets. And Yep and he has gotten me good a couple of times. He even went silent one time and was off line and I thought....maybe I went too far so I called him and he was laughing like crazy and called me a female body part and said....he was just busy and didn't have time to be online.
Yeah, we're stuck yet again with the niece and nephew and taking them to the county fair. I dont mind it but since my sister in law started her sleeping around BS that ended her marriage over the last couple months, everything has been falling on me and my wife. We took them to the neighboring county fair 2 weeks ago and now we get to take them again to our county fair to ride the midway rides. Mind you, we're paying for everything as my sister in law, who has a good job, suddenly has zero money and is about to loose everything, the vehicles, the house etc. Starting to really piss me off cause instead of taking her kids and doing stuff with them, she's driving 40 miles every evening to hang out with her current boy toy.

just say no

Then the kids will loose out, not the parent...

she's in the selfish "me" mode and the only thing that she's thinking of is herself....
it's all funny until someone gets hurt - - then it's just hilarious! :lol:

Then the kids will loose out, not the parent...

she's in the selfish "me" mode and the only thing that she's thinking of is herself....
nothing against Chris and his wife at all - - but they are losing out anyway, sure, they get to go to XYZ but they HAVE to see that mom isn't taking them..
nothing against Chris and his wife at all - - but they are losing out anyway, sure, they get to go to XYZ but they HAVE to see that mom isn't taking them..

It's not fair to the kids... The mom is bringing this on by her actions and she will have to deal with the results...

mom is losing out too...

Yes, she is doing more damage to her relationship with the kids than she realizes...

My ex went through the same thing... She took off for a year after I paid her off in the divorce... She would go to her boyfriend's house for days and not take care of the kids... Her parents stepped up...

It broke my heart to see her tear the boys hearts up by telling them "I'll be home in a while..." The kids would wait and wait and wait for her to show up, just to be broken hearted when she didn't... She would show up 3-4 days later... She did this to them over, and over, and over...

Now she doesn't understand why the oldest boy doesn't answer her texts and calls most of the time... He remembers when she abandoned them and has some "issues" with her because of it... He says, "She didn't want to have anything to do with me when I was younger, so why does she want to be in my life now???"

Just try to keep the kids occupied and out of the middle of this as much as you can to minimize the effect on them...
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