Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well got the tester frame painted, That paint is always a PIA though it is so thick it did not want to get up into the spray gun head, might have to pick up a top feed if I do a lot of these.
Tony and Thelma feel in love with the hill yesterday , Thelma said she could sleep so good at night out here listening to the tree frogs and bug noises , loud out here at night all mother nature .. good morning
that's awesome - are they hanging with you for a bit or continuing on right away?
that's awesome - are they hanging with you for a bit or continuing on right away?
Hanging with me for a couple day, I will go see him at about 9:30, may take him for a ride to George Rays drag strip and get some pictures of him there
Left the camera in the shop and have to Uber the wife around in a bit, will post later. I wonder if I can get small silk screens made of some of the common stuff on these machines, usually so bad I just paint right over them, ON/OFF etc.
Well got the tester frame painted, That paint is always a PIA though it is so thick it did not want to get up into the spray gun head, might have to pick up a top feed if I do a lot of these.
What tip size do you run?
I did some in HS just looking into it right now, looks like they have film you can ink jet on and then do it. Just copying the part from the nmachine the right size will be a PIA to take everything off.

Mike the tip was a .023 I believe, biggest I could find.
pissed off????
Yeah, we're stuck yet again with the niece and nephew and taking them to the county fair. I dont mind it but since my sister in law started her sleeping around BS that ended her marriage over the last couple months, everything has been falling on me and my wife. We took them to the neighboring county fair 2 weeks ago and now we get to take them again to our county fair to ride the midway rides. Mind you, we're paying for everything as my sister in law, who has a good job, suddenly has zero money and is about to loose everything, the vehicles, the house etc. Starting to really piss me off cause instead of taking her kids and doing stuff with them, she's driving 40 miles every evening to hang out with her current boy toy.
Yeah, we're stuck yet again with the niece and nephew and taking them to the county fair. I dont mind it but since my sister in law started her sleeping around BS that ended her marriage over the last couple months, everything has been falling on me and my wife. We took them to the neighboring county fair 2 weeks ago and now we get to take them again to our county fair to ride the midway rides. Mind you, we're paying for everything as my sister in law, who has a good job, suddenly has zero money and is about to loose everything, the vehicles, the house etc. Starting to really piss me off cause instead of taking her kids and doing stuff with them, she's driving 40 miles every evening to hang out with her current boy toy.
just say no
morning people, enjoying my coffee on the patio and just amazed at how many ravens are out this morning making noise, i think one of them just feels the need to be heard!
morning people, enjoying my coffee on the patio and just amazed at how many ravens are out this morning making noise, i think one of them just feels the need to be heard!
Sounds like a perfect place. I can hear Cardinals chirping at each other from the tree tops.
just say no
Sadly, not my call. Tried to discuss it with my wife, who's equally pissed about the whole thing, but we cannot do that to her two kids, who are having a bad enough time as it is. I know my mother in law goes and picks them up every afternoon and takes them swimming, and then feeds them supper, otherwise, they'd not eat. It's getting so bad, everyone is considering getting the court involved on her behavior towards the kids. Her now ex husband works evenings so he gets them every time he can, every weekend etc and he does stuff like a parent should, but its the sister in law thats the problem, wanting to act like shes 16 again and not take care of her almost 40 yr old self and her responsibilities thats the ultimate cause.
morning people, enjoying my coffee on the patio and just amazed at how many ravens are out this morning making noise, i think one of them just feels the need to be heard!
I am so tempted to name him but as of late people don't take to my jokes! So let's just call him....Tike
morning people, enjoying my coffee on the patio and just amazed at how many ravens are out this morning making noise, i think one of them just feels the need to be heard!
So that's where they go off season...
The Raven...the one that just wanted to be heard...I was going to name it and then I was thinking if I gave it a name then I would have someone pi$$ed off at my joke so I just gave it my name
The Raven...the one that just wanted to be heard...I was going to name it and then I was thinking if I gave it a name then I would have someone pi$$ed off at my joke so I just gave it my name
yea - got that - more a "eh?" about people not taking your jokes so well... TFB if they don't... s**t happens