Stop in for a cup of coffee

Did you get all the oil holed lined up properly when you installed the new bearings???
i didn't install the new bearings yet.

i think the slant block is more forgiving because the oil holes in the block to the cam bearings are like 4 times the size of the oil holes on the bearings. so you would have to be like 180 out to miss the hole on the block
i am going to finish cleaning the block completely and then paint it and then do the bearings so no accidents happen with the overspray
Man having a hell of a time finding the style circuit breaker that will match the sun machines, it is panel mounted and has a RED button that pops when triggered that you push to reset, can find them in black but not just plain red.
Man having a hell of a time finding the style circuit breaker that will match the sun machines, it is panel mounted and has a RED button that pops when triggered that you push to reset, can find them in black but not just plain red.

Paint the button red...
i found a really cool oil cap off a 60 valiant.

it is more square than the 63 to 69 type and looks so cool
?Well, had some rain blow through yesterday...

It came down pretty hard for a bit... They had to end the Lallapallooza concert early because it was coming down so hard....

Hopefully no rain today....

(Forecast says no rain till Sunday...)
actualy it just hit me.

oil upside down you jackasses


No, the oil will still spin off the hone.... :realcrazy:

Oil the cylinder, not the tool.... :BangHead:

I wondered why the baseball appears to get bigger and bigger the closer it gets to you.... And then it hit me... :BangHead:

Pics if you get another oil bath... :popcorn:
dang, i am totally loving that low buck 318 thread.

makes me appreciate 318s more.

that one guy "318willrun" is sure a contributor, that is some interesting stuff
it would be cool if there were a low buck slant six build up thread.

oh wait, that is because slants require big money to build them up to a performance level.......yea