Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mango Moustache Wax?

There has to be the makings of a joke in there somewhere...


Normally I don't like fruity scents (lol) but this one is really good!
One reason Brett gets points from me is he doesn't go crying to the manager if you look at him wrong, like a couple of the other younger whiney little bitches, who are smart-asses yet they don't have the balls to talk to you man to man.
It's going to be epic. It's a 10 hr haul in the Fury and I have already missed a lot of work but not ruling it out if by chance no one else has asked for that weekend cool to get to know all you guys.
It's going to be epic. It's a 10 hr haul in the Fury and I have already missed a lot of work but not ruling it out if by chance no one else has asked for that weekend cool to get to know all you guys.
The invite is open! Just let me know!
Look Scampy...MIKE let me tell you something. ( You too David) I was there for the original Lift day...even have the shirt to prove it. I was there for Lift day and 1/2. I have the Coffee thread shirt as well. I see Hoppy Keith and Mitch on occasion. But when I missed the weekend at Mitch's it was hard but I had a previous commitment. I will NOT miss this unless I am sick and D...well....I wouldn't miss it because it is like I lost by not being at Mitch's and believe me when I say....In spite of popular belief...Santa cannot be everywhere. You will be sorry if you miss it.