Stop in for a cup of coffee

Look Scampy...MIKE let me tell you something. ( You too David) I was there for the original Lift day...even have the shirt to prove it. I was there for Lift day and 1/2. I have the Coffee thread shirt as well. I see Hoppy Keith and Mitch on occasion. But when I missed the weekend at Mitch's it was hard but I had a previous commitment. I will NOT miss this unless I am sick and D...well....I wouldn't miss it because it is like I lost by not being at Mitch's and believe me when I say....In spite of popular belief...Santa cannot be everywhere. You will be sorry if you miss it.
so what are you trying to say...?? :poke:
Look Scampy...MIKE let me tell you something. ( You too David) I was there for the original Lift day...even have the shirt to prove it. I was there for Lift day and 1/2. I have the Coffee thread shirt as well. I see Hoppy Keith and Mitch on occasion. But when I missed the weekend at Mitch's it was hard but I had a previous commitment. I will NOT miss this unless I am sick and D...well....I wouldn't miss it because it is like I lost by not being at Mitch's and believe me when I say....In spite of popular belief...Santa cannot be everywhere. You will be sorry if you miss it.
Sounds like someone is getting coal in their stocking this year!
so what are you trying to say...?? :poke:

I thought it was will be sorry if you don't come. I have a 5 hour drive to get there. We will be talking about it and you will feel left out as I did with not going to Mitch's. If only for the day.
I thought it was will be sorry if you don't come. I have a 5 hour drive to get there. We will be talking about it and you will feel left out as I did with not going to Mitch's. If only for the day.
He's just being a Hello kitty...oh, wait...what's another word for cat...hmmm...I think it starts with a "P"...

Some Green parts.


Going as planed I guess, My son and wife and I have the kitchen floor all up, my neck and shoulders feel the burn this morning. crashed at 7 pm last night.
And at the same time my son was outside building and putting up forms for the new shop build, 36 deep 40 wide, allot going on up on the hill yesterday :thumbsup: My hours for sleeping is all screwed up and I am hungry so........ Looks like I will be eating lunch at about 9 am :lol:
How goes it for you on this early Tuesday morning George ?