Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's an oil extracted from Marjuana. It's legal for use medically in some states. Others it's not. It has no THC. There's been a huge movement on the medical side to get the FDA to make it 50 state legal as studies are producing better results than any prescription drugs for a variety of treatments. Including cancer and siezures
Also, FDA cannot make it 50 State legal. They can only approve a drug product after sufficient clinical studies have been done by a sponsor and then a New Drug Aplication made. After that, if it is approved, only that sponsor can manufacture it for sale through the prescription drug channel. Also, the application is only for the condition studied clinically.

Also, if anyone gets CBD oil approved, all of the other shops selling the stuff will be immediately subject to being shut down by the FDA and banned from selling an illegal prescription drug product.
Easy there, CBD is not a cancer treatment. Remember that I work with the stuff developing new applications for it and cancer isn’t one that it works for. It may have some secondary effects that might make some of the side effects of cancer treatments more tolerable...nothing more.

I don't know enough about it. I just know Indiana is trying to legalize it and even my specialist has mentioned it for my neurological issues. But I can't take it while I'm still in the military. My father in law how ever, has been told by his cancer doctors at the VA that it would help treat his bone cancer he has. But right now, no place to get it legally and the VA won't prescribe it

Honestly. I don't think it's true effects have been fully studied yet.

Then there's this

New Study Says Legalized Medical Cannabis Could Save Almost 50K Lives Annually
I don't know enough about it. I just know Indiana is trying to legalize it and even my specialist has mentioned it for my neurological issues. But I can't take it while I'm still in the military. My father in law how ever, has been told by his cancer doctors at the VA that it would help treat his bone cancer he has. But right now, no place to get it legally and the VA won't prescribe it

Honestly. I don't think it's true effects have been fully studied yet.

Then there's this.
Blueberry Kush: The Berry-Scented Indica For Bedtime Bliss

We are among the few Pharmaceutical companies that are studying it and doing clinical trials in various diseases. There is a ton of legitimate research being done and it has great potential, but it’s a long way to doing conclusive clinical trials that will get it approved as a drug product.

BTW, the FDA is very supportive of the Pharmaceutical companies developing CBD and very much want us to to do it.
We are among the few Pharmaceutical companies that are studying it and doing clinical trials in various diseases. There is a ton of legitimate research being done and it has great potential, but it’s a long way to doing conclusive clinical trials that will get it approved as a drug product.

BTW, the FDA is very supportive of the Pharmaceutical companies developing CBD and very much want us to to do it.
That's good to hear! I'm not a pro recreational drug person but if it can help medically, any and all items should be on the table.

If Indiana would only make up its mind on whether it's legal or not, I'd buy some and set back just incase. Never know. If it works great, if not well, I'm not seeing any major side effects just yet from any of the studies
Maybe if more research went into curing baldness, and erectile dysfunction.
People could at least die looking good with a smile on their face.

Yes it's a smart a ss comment.
That's good to hear! I'm not a pro recreational drug person but if it can help medically, any and all items should be on the table.

If Indiana would only make up its mind on whether it's legal or not, I'd buy some and set back just incase. Never know. If it works great, if not well, I'm not seeing any major side effects just yet from any of the studies
CBD is incredibly safe with nearly no side effects. We just have to prove conclusively that it works in specific diseases. No one is going to get hurt by using it.
Which was originally studied to be a high blood pressure med and also for hair loss. They only figured out what it was doing for erectile dysfunction when the clinical subjects wouldn’t give their study meds back. LOL!
Nuf said...
Which was originally studied to be a high blood pressure med and also for hair loss. They only figured out what it was doing for erectile dysfunction when the clinical subjects wouldn’t give their study meds back. LOL!
What they didn't tell you is that it grows hair on the member it grows too
Which was originally studied to be a high blood pressure med and also for hair loss. They only figured out what it was doing for erectile dysfunction when the clinical subjects wouldn’t give their study meds back. LOL!
You tellin me it works on ED? Viagra doesn't anymore I am embarrassed to say
Just checked. 1900 kilometres to carlisle. 24 hours driving.
Now my wife is looking at it.
(Cruise director)
Yeah...but like always, I will believe it after you actually get there. :poke:
I hear you. I'm actually pretty excited. I've been wanting to go now for 12 years, which is when I first heard I've about it, but it's always fallen on my guard weekends. This year is the first time it hasn't! So I'm gonna do everything in my power to make it happen, even if I have to leave the wife at home and bring both kids with me solo.
I hear you. I'm actually pretty excited. I've been wanting to go now for 12 years, which is when I first heard I've about it, but it's always fallen on my guard weekends. This year is the first time it hasn't! So I'm gonna do everything in my power to make it happen, even if I have to leave the wife at home and bring both kids with me solo.
It's a lot of walking. Two young ones may not like it.
It's a lot of walking. Two young ones may not like it.
And it’s hot out there in July too. Don’t bring the kids unless you have somewhere to leave them.

Maybe you can convince the Wife to take them to Hershey Park while you are at Carlisle.