Stop in for a cup of coffee

We're home, just watched our local boy Gary Woodland win the PGA tournament with a playoff. Known family since he was a little kid. Very happy for him.
Let's play football....:thumbsup: or just watch those commercials.

Nope. Not a sports fan. Sorry if that offends you. Actually i’m not.

I’m more of a sci-fi fan.
Any automotive related stuff.
Nope. Not a sports fan. Sorry if that offends you. Actually i’m not.

I’m more of a sci-fi fan.
Any automotive related stuff.
I’m not really much of a sports fan either, but when it’s the hometown team in the big game...I gotta watch!
Well snowed 4 inches in the past couple hours. Had to make a grocery run, snowing hard and with the wind visibility was 100 feet. Fortunately I didn't have to go far. Heading out soon snow blow my driveway and the 92 year old neighbors. I don't mind usually means a homemade pie coming my way in a couple days.:thumbsup:

I just got done clearing my and two neighbor's driveways...
Lots of time left, but Pats seem to be missing the bread and butter plays. Brady was wide open and dropped it....geeze!!
And the commercials...bla, bla, bla...use to be WHY you watched the Super Bowl, besides the football.
I should have plowed the driveway today. Instead i worked on the chevy again. Took it for a rip down the highway. Man,when i fix a heater i dont fool around. Its -20 and its so hot you could cook a chicken in that truck.
Wheels ready for new tires, will install as soon as cash is in hand.
I should have plowed the driveway today. Instead i worked on the chevy again. Took it for a rip down the highway. Man,when i fix a heater i dont fool around. Its -20 and its so hot you could cook a chicken in that truck.
Wheels ready for new tires, will install as soon as cash is in hand.
Wow your post this morning with the temps, I don't know how you even go outside. I guess you get use to it?? Glad you have it runnin.
It is the MO of those in New York who decide the outcome of a game. Let the Patriots get way behind and then the golden boy brings them from behind to win. Great money maker for the league.
Was a cold one this morning.
Yes,we manage to overcome the harsh cold.
His temps are metric... Not as cold as you think if it's F...
Kind of true. -18c is 0f.
So -31 or whatever it was is still damn cold.
I prefer the metric system,0 is the freezing point of water. An easy point of reference for me.
Kind of true. -18c is 0f.
So -31 or whatever it was is still damn cold.
I prefer the metric system,0 is the freezing point of water. An easy point of reference for me.
In the Pharmaceutical business, everything is metric so I do the conversions in my head automatically. Body temp is 37*C, 25*C is room temp, 4*C is refrigerator temp and -20*C is freezer temp. -40 is the intersect point and is the same in both F and C.
Getting ready for my Mopar road trip to FL tomorrow! Decided not to go today because of all the rain. Nice to have a day to get ready. Did some detailing to the Fury's interior, patched the rip in the seat.