Stop in for a cup of coffee

Kind of true. -18c is 0f.
So -31 or whatever it was is still damn cold.
I prefer the metric system,0 is the freezing point of water. An easy point of reference for me.
Ah, but then it has go negative and its only freezing. Freezing is OK cold. Now 0 F, that's cold! Brrrr.
Monday is here, we had a snow fall last night as the game was in there second quarter, Loved waking up to see the Eagles won, and with a back up quarter back :rofl: Good morning :) another week closer to spring :thumbsup: 21 degrees this morning here in northeast Arkansas :wtf:
good morning folks. Any SuperBowl hangovers out there?
Not here, I was so busy enjoying a 50 degree sunny day, then hell broke loose and the temps took a nose dive and snowed here at about 8pm ! and yes you quest it! I did not watch much of the game, to tired from a good day on the hill :thumbsup:
Got around 3 on the ground when I came in then was turning to sleet around 63 or so, should be a mess out there this day!
I walked to the door to take buddy out, I just let him go and sat back down :rofl:
Bought a coup yesterday, need to put two wheels on it today and bring it home :thumbsup:
Morning all...we got 3-4 inches snow yesterday, and expecting 5-7 inches snow tomorrow. I'm not shoveling that have to fire up the snow blower today make sure its ready to go. Going to do all the running today, bring up a load of wood, and wait for it. Have I told you I hate winter!!
Waiting for the sun to come up to see how bad it is out there.
Have a cup of coffee while you wait..
Good morning, will hit the road in about an hour. I don't get crazy about leaving at a certain exact time, I like to feel like I am on vacation right from the start. Temperatures in Sarasota in the 80's, glad I checked, will pack accordingly. Yes I like to throw everything in the bag right before I go so I am not second guessing myself trying to remember if I packed everything.:steering: