Stop in for a cup of coffee

You need four wheels! You have to look at the other side also!
Chicken tractors only have two at one end, lift the other end and move it .. $25.00 deal for the beginning of 2018 :thumbsup:, people are moving and just wanted it removed before they sell
Where are you off to Dave ? Driving the Fury ?
Good morning, will hit the road in about an hour. I don't get crazy about leaving at a certain exact time, I like to feel like I am on vacation right from the start. Temperatures in Sarasota in the 80's, glad I checked, will pack accordingly. Yes I like to throw everything in the bag right before I go so I am not second guessing myself trying to remember if I packed everything.:steering:
Chicken tractors only have two at one end, lift the other end and move it .. $25.00 deal for the beginning of 2018 :thumbsup:, people are moving and just wanted it removed before they sell
Hey now we are talking coups don't change the subject!
Hey now we are talking coups don't change the subject!
Only Coupe I had back 12 years ago !

Good idea on the chicken tractor though a lot of mopars are missing floors! Open the trunk to get the eggs!:rofl:
Where are you off to Dave ? Driving the Fury ?

Hey Mike, yep I am driving the Fury 8+ hrs to my home town Sarasota, FL, a little ways past Tampa. Nice place to visit since I have family there. I will take 95 down to 10 then pick up old 301 through that speed trap town to north of Tampa then 75 another hour and a half I will be there, by supper time.
Well,thats better...
-22 this morning. Much easier to deal with.
Guy is coming for truck today,then i think i will order some stuff for barracuda.
Rear window seal
Some premix paint for engine bay and window beds.
Then i can get headliner done and glass in.
The last thing i ever see getting done(headliner/interior) is quite often the unfinished part of these projects.
Hey Mike, yep I am driving the Fury 8+ hrs to my home town Sarasota, FL, a little ways past Tampa. Nice place to visit since I have family there. I will take 95 down to 10 then pick up old 301 through that speed trap town to north of Tampa then another hour and a half I will be there, by supper time.
Very cool !! Enjoy the trip and remember to take a few pictures, I have not seen Tampa bay in 44 years, I road a bike there to fish off a bridge when I was a strong young man and mom did not know I road 35 miles away on my bike with two friends, life was sure fun when I picked strawberries there every year, well, most of the time it was fun :lol: Safe travels :thumbsup:
Very cool !! Enjoy the trip and remember to take a few pictures, I have not seen Tampa bay in 44 years, I road a bike there to fish off a bridge when I was a strong young man and mom did not know I road 35 miles away on my bike with two friends, life was sure fun when I picked strawberries there every year, well, most of the time it was fun :lol: Safe travels :thumbsup:

Thanks Mike, I will take pictures this time!! Yep it was wide-open fun for a kid back then, I rode my bike 5 miles each way to school, and all over. My best friend had a little sailboat, a Laser, we'd be all over Sarasota Bay in it, one time I remember it was a thunder storm and lightning, we swam up underneath the upside-down boat and waited out the storm with our heads in the pocket of air made by the cockpit. Parents didn't worry about us out in the bay.
Finally took the cowl of the truck yesterday absolutely no sign of the wiper pivot bushing on the drivers side, dam cheap doorman one, unfortunately will have to put one of those back in until I find a good one. Will need the truck Wed.
Back from the coffee run and have the wife's car scraped and warmed up for her drive into work. Part of the deal for parking the old cars in the garage. Off down the road later today, checking on our 55 Chevy at the restoration shop for some beauty work. Guy here in the Midwest has over 300 national awards for show cars he's done. Does it all, from top to bottom, usually has 25-30 cars in at a time, takes a year or more to get into him. Nice guy, great work. If I was as talented as you guys I could do my own. I do a lot of little things, but there is the stuff I let the experts do.

Oops wrong movie...

How's everybody doing today?

Leg of Lamb on the grill tomorrow - just gettin ready to season the leg!

That's funny, I avoid eatin other legs around the house when they're in season!
Morning Tim,
Slow day here so far think all the PA east coast guys were up late watching the game.

Guy at my Super bowel party, O I mean "The Big Game" party. BIG Patriot fan. I beat him out of 400.00. 200.00 was the bet, then at half time he wanted to double it!!! AND he GAVE me 10 and a half points!!!
Guy at my Super bowel party, O I mean "The Big Game" party. BIG Patriot fan. I beat him out of 400.00. 200.00 was the bet, then at half time he wanted to double it!!! AND he GAVE me 10 and a half points!!!
Wow he paid for your, oh sorry, we know he's have a chitty Monday :rofl:
Has Philly been officially declared as Disaster Area yet? Wonder if they get better response from FEMA than the hurricane victims did?
Well just kind of finished scraping the ice off the snow that was on ice, now if I can get the car up to the road to buy some salt!:mob:
Has Philly been officially declared as Disaster Area yet? Wonder if they get better response from FEMA than the hurricane victims did?
Not yet. But University of Mass is closed today after some 2000 people started rioting and protesting the result. Several taken to area hospitals with injuries. Police used tear gas to try to break it up.

No, I am NOT kidding. I wish I was.