Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not yet. But University of Mass is closed today after some 2000 people started rioting and protesting the result. Several taken to area hospitals with injuries. Police used tear gas to try to break it up.

No, I am NOT kidding. I wish I was there!
It's bad enough when the winners decide they have the right to tear **** up after a ridiculous ball game, now the losers are going to do it too. Sad :soapbox:
Guy at my Super bowel party, O I mean "The Big Game" party. BIG Patriot fan. I beat him out of 400.00. 200.00 was the bet, then at half time he wanted to double it!!! AND he GAVE me 10 and a half points!!!
Mitch had a good evening also... Won 200 on the over... Hit the pool for $275...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand....Won the 50/50 drawing for another 150...:thumbsup::lol::lol:
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Chris no go on the front door locks must have sold them.
That's fine, the locks are good on mine. Its the latch assembly itself thats broken.


I am glad I did not watch the game!
I watched the last half of it. Was a very good game and was glad to see Brady screwup a game winning drive not once but TWICE in 20 minutes.
It's bad enough when the winners decide they have the right to tear **** up after a ridiculous ball game, now the losers are going to do it too. Sad :soapbox:
Yep. I guess people upset cause they think the Patriots got robbed.
That's what I was talking about the door locks mechanisms, still have both rear but totally different.
That's what I was talking about the door locks mechanisms, still have both rear but totally different.
ah I thought you were talking about the lock cylinders. Wonder if the rears would fit my rear doors? My passenger rear door is also jacked up and I've not tried getting it opened just yet.
When you do shoot me a pic of the mechanism, no idea of the interchange at all. Put a post on FBBO prob get one there for the front, and there is a left and right side to them so you know.

Oops wrong movie...

How's everybody doing today?

Leg of Lamb on the grill tomorrow - just gettin ready to season the leg!

That's funny, I avoid eatin other legs around the house when they're in season!
Yes, Yes, GOOD MORNING VIETNAM :thumbsup:
When you do shoot me a pic of the mechanism, no idea of the interchange at all. Put a post on FBBO prob get one there for the front, and there is a left and right side to them so you know.
Ok will do. I've gotta remove the panel on the rear door and try to get it open. I had to drop kick the front door open.

Is she available yet lol?
i bet scampy isnt thrilled this morning.
After he lost, he tried to welch on the bet! A good friend of mine, told him he would give me the 400..00 but he was going to take his HOT wife to the bedroom for some fun....The wife was drunk and it seemed it was about to get interesting...
:rofl: I just realized all the folks I used to piss off in the early morning hours. A concrete mixer truck just passed the house, back-up alarm blasting. Now it's time for the crew to decide the mud is too dry, add water, mixer at WFO for the next 5 minutes at least :rofl:I hope the guy on the chute is not a "whistler", they're annoying even after 8am :rofl:
After he lost, he tried to welch on the bet! A good friend of mine, told him he would give me the 400..00 but he was going to take his HOT wife to the bedroom for some fun....The wife was drunk and it seemed it was about to get interesting...
so did you get the 400 or???
@Ddaddy We need a photoshop of Nick Foles standing in front of the Rocky Statue!
Ya who paid off, him or her??
Well, he said he did not have the money, the wife called him a dumbass, then the wife was asked if she had the money, no, maybe we can do a trade? Husband runs to his car, comes back with the money, just as it seems the wife is agreeable to the trade..and is heading to the back bedroom....