Stop in for a cup of coffee

I just checked my 401k, im holding at a 6% roughly average still. Not terrible considering this 401k just started in August.
My employer match to my 401K blows. But that's because they have (actually 'had', I was grandfathered in) an awesome pension plan. Should actually be able to retire with a nice monthly income. (If I don't screw the pooch and get fired).
I bet not daily! My guy has been great averages so far 18 a year since I had him, basically doubled my money which was much needed.
Chris you ever max out the matching for TSP? That one is averaging around 11 the way I have it set up so far.
Kwap more snow Wed! Have to bring the dog to the vet in the middle of it for shots.
That nos distributor is up to 165 and four hours to go, bet mid 250 it sells for and that is a good deal.
Chevy is gone. So now i need to devise a plan.have a friend spending a month near New Orleans, said i should have stuff shipped to him. There or corner parcel.
Want it done she needs a rabies tag, taking her out of state Thurs/Fri hers is in the pond on her old collar somewhere. And it took three months to get this appointment also. How you doing ready for another envelope of boxes? Just about have one ready.
The vet we go to now I really like they always clip the nails, know the dogs by sight, humans not so much till they sniff your *** and also give a 20% Military discount and all the girls are cool punk types.
Go online and adjust it for your needs, have to do it every few months, still cannot believe you were not told about that!:mob:
Looks like I didn't miss much....talked about women, making money, and big boats. I'm skipping the package part.
Want it done she needs a rabies tag, taking her out of state Thurs/Fri hers is in the pond on her old collar somewhere. And it took three months to get this appointment also. How you doing ready for another envelope of boxes? Just about have one ready.
Sure, send the boxes whenever you are ready.
Go online and adjust it for your needs, have to do it every few months, still cannot believe you were not told about that!:mob:
I'm not...
Per quarter or quarterly report since inception?
Just says interest rate for 1st qtr 2018 on my little tracker when I long in
You know the anniversary report of course!


Speaking of anniversaries, the anniversary of my first seizure is in may, that's the 1 year mark of me being non-deployable... DoD announced today that if you're listed as non-deployable for 12 consecutive months, you'll be discharged. Hmmm is my time shorter than anticipated?
Always been that way saw a ton of discharges because of dental and constant pregnancies also of single members. We were the most deployed unit in the ANG so it makes you wonder.....