Stop in for a cup of coffee

Congrats to you and Treva.... :thumbsup:

And yeah, ditch the bro.... :mob:
He is setting drinking coffee, he knows he needs to hit the road, or I think he does

And with a fishing pole in the front seat...guess you always need to be ready, never know where you might end up.
Always, I will not miss a chance to pull me a dinner out of a pond :thumbsup:
My Valiant wagon that I bought in Arkansas came with fishing pole hooks along the back... the previous owner used it as his fishing car...
We enjoy gods grocery stores here in the natural state, my old fishing rig snowed in a couple years ago

Chris I want that one for a parts machine, needs a topper and the breaker glass is broken the one you cannot find.
So the last one, the test equipment, is that like the whole set-up??
No just what he has, I could use that vacuum gage though, seems like his price is high to me. If any of you guys want a certain one I am sure I can find it, I actually have people sending me e mails on stuff for sale, Think Mark at Paramount dist is spreading the word for me.
Good morning, we missed the big snow again, which is ok because we've had plenty. Marriage always an interesting subject with me. I've gotten a couple upgrades along the way the last one going on seventeen years.
Karl you ever fire up the one you have and what model is it I might have a book on it for you.
No just what he has, I could use that vacuum gage though, seems like his price is high to me. If any of you guys want a certain one I am sure I can find it, I actually have people sending me e mails on stuff for sale, Think Mark at Paramount dist is spreading the word for me.

The word of the day is "legs".... :D

Help spread the word... :p
Good morning, we missed the big snow again, which is ok because we've had plenty. Marriage always an interesting subject with me. I've gotten a couple upgrades along the way the last one going on seventeen years.
So she is only 16? :rolleyes: How long have you been together?:eek:
Good morning, we missed the big snow again, which is ok because we've had plenty. Marriage always an interesting subject with me. I've gotten a couple upgrades along the way the last one going on seventeen years.

You married your last wife when she was 17 years old???? :poke:
HAHA nope meant she's been parked here for almost 17 years. Left the door open on that one and here they