Stop in for a cup of coffee

My last post in this thread. Seeing that picture makes me finally realise how disresptful I have been to women.
Not condeming others just moving on I guess.
You all enjoy.
Morning all....see some are up bright and early, some not so bright, but its still early. :lol:
Ya George. That's a catch 22. For her (let's say, mental and physical health) she can't continue the direction she's going. 60-80 hourweeks for 10+ years aren't a good thing. She is 56 so not ready to retire. I told her she needs to walk away and take some time off. Put those feelers out and with her education, backround and work ethic somebody will need her. And a better job with less stress and fewer hours.
Mine wife is in the same boat, but maybe 65-70 hours a week. I almost have her convinced to leave and let them TRY and find someone to replace her.
Dukeboy I looked back last night no word on a transfer yet??
Last night was my 38 wedding anniversary, I took my wife to breakfast at cracker barrel so she did up a super supper for me last night :thumbsup:

Nope nothing official but to make matters worse, our slimmy readiness NCO tried to have our new 1st Sgt counsel me claiming I'd never turned in any paperwork work in my medical stuff... which is a bold faced lie as not only did I turn it in and have the med nco sign for it each time,but I also have the written order telling me to turn it into the med nco. That order came dual signed, from the CO and the readiness nco himself
From your fall?? Sounds like someone higher up chewed their butts. Hopefully you were able to explain to the 1SG or commander??