Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning Mitch, I bet it is, that is a big snow front out your way I believe

Three years ago for this kind of snow in my parts

Well, I started looking at doing a custom front bench seat for Victoria This is the bottom front I am trying to see if I can save a bit on buying and shipping cost on Buckets, and look and see how this does ... What are your thoughts ?

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I may have some pictures up on my website. OMR knows the place that did some cusom work on mine. There's some limites due to the construction but yea, go for it if you want. We used seat back frame from a '70 or '71 for latches and headrest.
I need to finish this install today. I'm teaching the young guys how to set up new diff, ring and pinion
Morning guys. Enjoying the sun shining on me in the kitchen. Mid 40's today.
Close mine goes down under ground 4 feet so it is like seven to the valve found a whole unit 250 I just need those side brackets and the cam it will be fine.
Man this CD drive is killing me thought I found the problem it is better but still no go. Have to bring it to your house and have the tennents fix it!
Man this CD drive is killing me thought I found the problem it is better but still no go. Have to bring it to your house and have the tennents fix it!
Drive problems? Did you do a defrag?
Done all of that it was like the cd reader would not recognize anything, it is doing something now we shall see.
Hey.....Its Snowing here!!!!!!!!!
Good Morning...........
It's dumping the white stuff here. Probably another 3 inches since last night but didn't get going again till around daybreak.
I measured a little over 9, but the stuff coming down now is heavier than yesterday so its compacting a little. Probably actual total is more like 11" so far. Could get another 10 yet!
That's mandatory for gm? You have a case spreader also?
It is mandatory to set any new pinion in a case, All makes and models. Ya don't get the pinion depth right, you might as well not even try ti install a new set. I always get by, without the case spreader. Takes a little more time ,