Stop in for a cup of coffee

I know it's been sitting for a few years but It's probably been empty most of the time. Not that I know this for a fact but it's been sitting all by itself and I haven't taken it apart.


You might be surprised try it. If you do need to do stuff to it I will send you a great link.
Yeah, I'm going to, just want to fire her up first. :D

I think I already have a Disassemble And Tune A Carter 101 bookmark but thanks!
I could always try my re-furbished Holley 600 in stead. That I know is ok internally. Unless I put the wrong gaskets in it somewhere ...
Just pump the carb a few times to prime the accelerator pump. What is that ethanol? Never seen a green gas can before!!! LMAO
Ours are red here for gas, blue for kerosene, yellow for diesel. Small aluminum cans for beer.......
Put some gas in the float bowl also it will help.

Bottles for beer...

When I fired up the slant, I filled the bowl from plate on top. to prime the fuel line I took the vent line off the canister and put a few pounds of air pressure on it. Pressurize the tank and it pushes it right through. Just disconnect at pump first and let it run into a container. Also flushes the line.
I just came back from the CIRCUS! My daughter's boyfriend shows up with some more venison, so far today is like Christmas in Dec.! Then a 18 wheeler shows up with my new HP 727! This trucker does not know what he is doing. We get the big *** box into the bucket of the tractor and tries to back up the slope of my driveway, no go the trailer has nothing in it. OK move some vehicles around so he can 3 pt and go out forward. Well he digs the thing into the lawn. OK get some gravel for traction. No go. Try to push him with my compact tractor, no go. OK now the front wheels are in about a foot. Call my buddy across the street, Hey need the backhoe! He brings it down and get the truck moving, OK almost done! Yippee This guy has no idea how to back a truck up. So after a half hour of directing him he gets it out and on the street and just leaves! No thanks or anything. ASSHOLE. But I got My new HP 727!
I just came back from the CIRCUS! My daughter's boyfriend shows up with some more venison, so far today is like Christmas in Dec.! Then a 18 wheeler shows up with my new HP 727! This trucker does not know what he is doing. We get the big *** box into the bucket of the tractor and tries to back up the slope of my driveway, no go the trailer has nothing in it. OK move some vehicles around so he can 3 pt and go out forward. Well he digs the thing into the lawn. OK get some gravel for traction. No go. Try to push him with my compact tractor, no go. OK now the front wheels are in about a foot. Call my buddy across the street, Hey need the backhoe! He brings it down and get the truck moving, OK almost done! Yippee This guy has no idea how to back a truck up. So after a half hour of directing him he gets it out and on the street and just leaves! No thanks or anything. ASSHOLE. But I got My new HP 727!

Nice! You gots work to do! Lol
Yeah fill in the mud holes and drink a few beers! Time for the drinking thread I believe!
I like Ty Ruster. I think Ty is short for Tike....may be a kid I didn't know I have!

SPER:sign12:M DONER! How does Mom look? TY I might be your new step Farter!~:wack the math she get surgery? ??????????? LMAO!
Ha, ha!!! success...

We got Chuck's Valiant running good today!

We got it through the break-in for the cam yesterday, then shut it down to let some of the smoke clear out of the garage, then when we tried to restart it, no spark....

So we checked the reluctor gap in the distributor today and we could get a .030" feeler gauge almost halfway down, but then it would hang up. We set it to .008" with a brass feeler gauge and started it up. Then reset the timing to 36° total advance and then set the idle mixture screws. Now it starts right up warm without even hitting the gas pedal...

Of course I forgot to bring the camera today to get an "after" video...