Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not here long this morning... places to go, people to see, chit to get done.

Gotta run to the eye doc to get my glasses fixed. They suggest it and they'll do it while I wait, instead of selling me new glasses, that would never happen in Atlanta!

Arseholes fits most of us Babs!

Guilty! Have fun with Mitch!
Dang, Just found out my aunt passed away. She had been going downhill the last year. She had a bad stroke 40 or so years ago and has spent most of her time wheelchair bound. RIP aunt Ellen.
Dang, Just found out my aunt passed away. She had been going downhill the last year. She had a bad stroke 40 or so years ago and has spent most of her time wheelchair bound. RIP aunt Ellen.
Sorry to hear that bud. Prayers
Gotta run to the eye doc to get my glasses fixed. They suggest it and they'll do it while I wait, instead of selling me new glasses, that would never happen in Atlanta!

Broke my frames a while back. Had bought them at Walmart a few years ago and they still carried the same frames! A whole bunch cheaper than getting new glasses for sure!
Morning running is done....just put a fresh pot of coffee on, help yourself.
well I got to looking, I think the polara has been lowered at least an inch
And two less doors!!! :poke::lol:Chris!!!! Morning:thumbsup:
huh? my brain is turned off this morning. Was shopping for rear leaf springs, which are $$$$$$$ when i find them, but they're all advertising 6 leafs for stock replacement, this car only has 4.
huh? my brain is turned off this morning. Was shopping for rear leaf springs, which are $$$$$$$ when i find them, but they're all advertising 6 leafs for stock replacement, this car only has 4.
You have that link to rear springs, right?