Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah, it sure does suck...and it’s just going to get worse.

Another 4-6 weeks of it getting progressively worse day-by-day.

I’m only hanging out for the severance pay at this point...and I keep telling myself that the daily emotional pain will be worth it...somehow.

It gets harder each day to get out of bed and keep doing the job.

When this is over, I want to take a month off and heal myself before jumping into something else.

Maybe 2 months...
The end isn't the bad part. It's getting there that sucks the most. You can see light at the end of the tunnel and like you mentioned before, it might be time to start something yourself.
Actually, it is the other way around. Dry air has less heat capacity than humid air so it removes less heat than humid air at the same temperature.

Air has a specific heat capacity of slightly more than 1kJ/kgk at room temperature, but humid air (say 60% RH) has a specific heat capacity of 1.8 kJ/kgk - so it can remove almost twice as much energy (per unit mass) than the dry air when flowing across a radiator. Think about it as something more dense that can suck up more heat.

It’s the human body that relies on sweat evaporation to cool itself that is adversely affected by humid air, not hot surfaces exchanging heat.
There ya go, gettin all technical again.. :poke:
And a close second for the man on the hill :thumbsup:

Good morning Mitch
Last Sat our management saw that someone has been coming to work and stealing some of our scrap metal, mostly stainless...

Then they looked back in the video archives and found that they've been doing it every Sat for the last 4 weeks...

I wonder if they are going to set a trap to catch them this weekend...
Morning.Slept a little longer than usual.
Was a good thing.

Spring here is the second driest on record. Not a good thing.
Im afraid if it starts raining it wont stop.
Morning... give the dog his shot, then start getting ready for work.

Sorry to hear about your situation Dave. Hope it opens new opportunities for you in the future. Maybe you could teach some of your knowledge at one of your local colleges as and adjunct professor... might be something you look into.
OK can some one ID these for me 13" and the lugs appear to come through like a rally type cap? Just take them off like a regular HUBCAP?
Thanks, this place is a little piece of grounding in the bizzaro world of the work landscape I exist in for most of my day. Life isn’t work, and I keep reminding myself the work is just an artificial reality.

My personal serenity poem...

This is my job.

It is what I do,
8 hours a day,
to earn the money,
to live my life...

Which is NOT my job!
That's good to get you through.
I sure you know we aren't that compartmentalized.
It's a technique we can apply to push through things that are unpleasant