Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow, wicked storm rolled through. Was watching my canvas shelter take a beating. My small one isnt anchored well, its ratchet strapped to the dart. It was lifting off the ground.
1/2 hour later its almost calm.
It was stupid hot today,but my office was chilly. A place to cool off. Always nice.
Anyone here raise cherry trees and actually pick the cherries? My tree I have is about 6 years old, produced cherries every year for the last 5. Yesterday morning, the cherries were all green, today, all black just like that. Never seen them rot that quick.
Sorry Im of no help
It's all good. I've talked to several of the old farmers I know and none of them have seen it either. Only thing we could come up with is the hard, late frost damaged the blooms earlier in the month
Anyone here raise cherry trees and actually pick the cherries? My tree I have is about 6 years old, produced cherries every year for the last 5. Yesterday morning, the cherries were all green, today, all black just like that. Never seen them rot that quick.
Too much water.....
It all depends on the drainage, if the water ponds up around the root ball, you get the issue you have.
Could something besides water cause that?
Maybe brown rot...
Which fruit trees are affected by brown rot?
Stone fruit trees (and their fruit):
  • Apricots (and Apriums)
  • Cherries (both Sweet and Sour types)
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Plums (and pluots/plumcots)
It all depends on the drainage, if the water ponds up around the root ball, you get the issue you have.
I'd imagine it's pretty good. It's on a hillside and there's no ponding around the base. I'm gonna look more at that brown rot thing
Black knot or Cytospora canker....Larval feeding in the fruit will separate the pit from the pulp and cause the pulp to turn brown or black in a very short period of time.
Black knot or Cytospora canker....Larval feeding in the fruit will separate the pit from the pulp and cause the pulp to turn brown or black in a very short period of time.

Sounds like a perverted science experiment.