Stop in for a cup of coffee

Believe me right now you are the best option. The State pisses me off. Their trainings are the worst I have ever been to. They have this Liberal Birch that has no life and she schedules these trainings on Friday....Ahhh makes me mad thinking about it.
The majority of the glass was sealed to the gasket, I checked the spots that were not and made sure to add some there. Then ran another bead all around the edge of the gasket and metal. I just dont see how water will find its way in now, but with my luck it wouldnt surprise me if it did. LOL
So this one time i taped a shop vac hose into a window-exhaust blowing into car and sprayed around with soapy water and looked for bubbles.
The only day I could possibly come is that Thursday but it'd only be for a few hours, I'd have to be back home by 6 am that Friday
Not worth it if you want my opinion which it is just that my opinion. I won't be there that day myself...I don't think
Not worth it if you want my opinion which it is just that my opinion. I won't be there that day myself...I don't think
Yeah that was my concern. I still have my hotel reservations, so hopefully I'll get an answer about making up those days at the end. The new unit is willing to work with me on what they call split training but with it being our two weeks, they're limited in what they can approve since orders have already be cut for the unit(prior to my transfer)
Good Morning All, last posts from this chair for me, today is Moving Day! The wife is pretty excited about the whole adventure but got kinda sad last night being's we've lived in this house for so long. All I can think about is that I'm one step closer to my shop!
Good Morning All, last posts from this chair for me, today is Moving Day! The wife is pretty excited about the whole adventure but got kinda sad last night being's we've lived in this house for so long. All I can think about is that I'm one step closer to my shop!
Good luck settling in,hoping its a step forward.
I feel you pain I have moved to many times, you have to take me out in a box for me to move again! Like this old house even with its issues.
Should be an interesting day, we'll find out if our two storage units plus the room we have left in our pump house is enough. I'm going to have to store the Duster outside on the property, tarped up. Not too happy about that but couldn't get a storage unit for it in time, and some wanted a driveable vehicle, registered etc, which it is not.
Me too... I'm Delaware bound , to find Destroyed George in Seaford.....Actually Laurel....
I wounder if it's to early to jump on the rider and do some mowing, or should I do some sanding on my hood this mornig, well time will tell I guess :)
I started the mowing before work yesterday and the wife finished. Looks like hell, but its done. I hit a tree root last time I used it. I straightened 2 of the 3 blades, but something else is wrong. Gonna drop the deck and check it good. Maybe get at that this morning in case I need parts before I can mow again...

Mornin Goofballs...
Good Morning!

Sadly no, I pulled the car out and ran a hose over it. I still have a stream of water going into the trunk and floor pans. The sealant didnt work.. I'll for sure be out there tomorrow. Psst, by the way whats your name?
Is it definitely the seal? Did YOU check the frame good while it was out? They are notorious for rust outs in the lower corners...
