You do have to have a digital display of some sort. I can't remember if my 2000 Dakota had a digital odometer. It must have. Back in 78 we would jump the ALDL connector to get a code 12. Those were the days.
Thats what i use too. Comes with a subscription to the training videos. I have found a few that are helpful.It amazing the stuff you can fix with scanner,I would be lost without my snap-on solus ultra...updates 62.00 a month.
On abs,here is a trick. Find a gravel road and get up to speed and slam the brakes on and it will do what scanner did.Sometimes you repeat it....helps to bleed air out too.
Stoopid me. Still havent bought a surge protector for my electrical panel. Twice power went out, house is shaking from all the tunderin...
Burned a bunch of trees on my property,his insurance paid me to remove them. That was the biggest one, neighbour was not as depressed that day. He was devastated.All those 40' trees and it found the 16' garage. That sucks!
LOL just the dirt from my grubby fingers! Very nice panels actually better than I figured they would be.How did they get all those Dings ?????
Nope aftermarket wheel.
Hey.Morning it like you mean it today!!!!!