Stop in for a cup of coffee

One of the best charts of the three biggest current standards came with the catalog binder from Multistandard Components Corp.
Doubt its online, but I'll look.
I printed off at least two copies on ledger size paper. I should have the original as well - so can scan it for anyone who wants. Just lemme know.
That kind of stuff is always good to have!
McMaster-Carr might have that info in their catalog. They have just about everything industrial under the sun.
I haven't had my hands on a paper McMaster in years! But I don't think they ever really did a chart like Metric-Multi did. It covers the current British Standard which incorporates much of the older Whitworth.
That kind of stuff is always good to have!
I've been looking through the website and pdf catalog and don't see that particular conversion chart. Maybe I got it elsewhere. I'll have to look at my printed copy and scan that.
Hilarious. Guy tells us he knows it all, and now is asking for opinions. LOL
I suspect he doesn't know he comes off as arrogant and patronizing, but I'm not goin tell him. Experience is the best teacher. :)
I've been looking through the website and pdf catalog and don't see that particular conversion chart. Maybe I got it elsewhere. I'll have to look at my printed copy and scan that.
No rush :)
Hilarious. Guy tells us he knows it all, and now is asking for opinions. LOL
I suspect he doesn't know he comes off as arrogant and patronizing, but I'm not goin tell him. Experience is the best teacher. :)

Not to uncomon in this world,that kind rarely understands it either,everything is everyone else fault. :)
I have an app.
M10 has 4 pitches
Its handy to know tap drill sizes, as different pitch is a different drill.
Hi folks. Just got home from work after a really long day.

It’s been a helluva week and I am worn to a nub.

Time for a few cold beers and forget about it...and all the work stuff I have to do this weekend.
I came across this storage yard near one of our contract vendors today. I wonder what the story is?

1/2 of one rocker panel tacked in.
That is no fun. One panel down,6 more to go.
Now it goes outside, drag in dead caravan for a timing belt. Sunday move vehicles around for winter storage.
Busy. Too busy.
Oh and a 3/8" coarse bolt will fit in a M10nut with chinese precision. dont ever try to put something together like that, they will thread together althought the term trowing a hotdog down a hallway comes to mind...
I've found a few sizes that will start, but bind up after a couple threads. Not sure what pitch, but had a 8mm-5/16 the other day that almost worked. lol
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Sorry picked a 67 pair up yesterday. I see the prices not bad. Thanks for thinking of me.
Those just jumped out at me. LOL The best one was near perfect. Maybe a couple pits in the one for 8. That guy had all Mopar Lot of nice lenses.. I bought something from him a few years ago for my duster, but cant recall what.
My car's 'almost twin'. He was asking 12K. 73 Dart - Slanty with hood scoop. He was original owner and ordered it that way.

Hey Tim...warmer there than it is here. First snow predicted Sunday....too early!!
Those just jumped out at me. LOL The best one was near perfect. Maybe a couple pits in the one for 8. That guy had all Mopar Lot of nice lenses.. I bought something from him a few years ago for my duster, but cant recall what.
Well if I'd been a little quicker I'd of bought another pair.
I think you will find Hershey basically vacant. Major Exodus yesterday.
I saw some empty spots, but hardly vacant. I'd be surprised if more than 10% had left. Now this afternoon they were starting to clear out. Guess they figured getting wet once was enough. I can't blame them. If they stay till tomorrow the stuff would all be wet when they are ready to pack up.
Most of it is either metal or paper.
ot good.​
View attachment 1715234723 My car's 'almost twin'. He was asking 12K. 73 Dart - Slanty with hood scoop. He was original owner and ordered it that way.

View attachment 1715234724

Difference between men and women... :mob:

If two men show up at a party wearing the same outfit, they become best buddies.... :welcome:

If two women show up at a party wearing the same outfit, they think the other is a *****... :mad: :drama: <<<cat fight - get the popcorn... :popcorn:>>>

When you find someone with a car identical to yours, you become good friends... :thumbsup: :steering:
Difference between men and women... :mob:

If two men show up at a party wearing the same outfit, they become best buddies.... :welcome:

If two women show up at a party wearing the same outfit, they think the other is a *****... :mad: :drama: <<<cat fight - get the popcorn... :popcorn:>>>

When you find someone with a car identical to yours, you become good friends... :thumbsup: :steering:
Don't know about 'good friends' since we will likely not be hangin out, LOL. But we did have a nice chat. :thumbsup: