Stop in for a cup of coffee

Had those same lights in my '79 Yota 4x4 :thumbsup: I pulled them out of my race Baja Bug when I sold it and put them in the truck. They weren't Ca legal back then, only got stopped for them once and that was in the daylight :BangHead:. They do work very well.
You know those aren't regular Cibies E-code?
Those are Zs. I thought they were always OK, but maybe not. NJ required the 3 nibs for machine aiming, maybe Calf was the same.
I gave away my first set of H4s because I didn't like the hassle of changing them out every year just for inspection. Got the DOT/SAE Hella for a little more money.
Cibie had another lamp with a funny name, which I forget, that I'm pretty sure was fully compliant - also rare now.
So the wife was able to get some food back into her daily diet. She can now have 1 alcoholic beverage per day (with the exception of beer) fruit and rice. Soooo, looks like I could start having a beer again. However, I also had a doctors apt today and it appears I've lost 10lbs in the last month, and I feel my pants fit differently. Im not sure I want to go back to drinking beer, except my fridge is completely full of it!
One with dinner? Or get the preserver caps and then halves are possible.
Funny. I don't drink as much beer in the cooler weather. More into cider now anyway. Funny how our tastes change over time.
At the time, they were 49 state legal and of course Ca was the lone holdout. :BangHead: I see plenty of headlamps out on the road now that are WAY more obnoxious than those Cibies were. Flip them suckers on HI and they light I15 from Barstow to Vegas :rofl:
May be you need to get into distilled spirits. 70 calories in a oz of bourbon. That's why @Ben Drinkin is so slim and fit! LOL Plenty of places to check out. distilleries in minnesota - Google Search
Well I used to drink Rum like I drink beer now.. I never gained the weight. Reason I went to beer was its so much more convenient and frankly I love craft breweries and all the different beers they have..

My stomach has a hard time with Vodka, so that is kinda out, but I'll try anything else..
One with dinner? Or get the preserver caps and then halves are possible.
Funny. I don't drink as much beer in the cooler weather. More into cider now anyway. Funny how our tastes change over time.
We've got those caps, they work good.

I agree on the cooler weather and how the tastes change.
Well I used to drink Rum like I drink beer now.. I never gained the weight. Reason I went to beer was its so much more convenient and frankly I love craft breweries and all the different beers they have..

My stomach has a hard time with Vodka, so that is kinda out, but I'll try anything else..
You can drink vodka straight, I don't. It's just ethanol and water if distilled right. You can make a mixed drink with any spirit. I like mine neat or maybe with 1 ice cube or a little water depending on the proof. Whiskies and Bourbons are my favorites.
I decided to pick up one of the new Eddy AVS 2 carbs, damn weather just is not cooperating with taking it for a spin...
Let us know how it works. Not much time b/4 cold weather. Another member bought one but I haven't heard word back yet.
Let us know how it works. Not much time b/4 cold weather. Another member bought one but I haven't heard word back yet.
I was hoping to last weekend, but other plans interfered. If one of these evenings is decent and I have time I'll do it after work.. Who was the other member?
I was hoping to last weekend, but other plans interfered. If one of these evenings is decent and I have time I'll do it after work.. Who was the other member?
If you decide you don’t want to use that carb I sent you anymore, please pay it forward and give it to someone else who can use it. :)
Was municipal elections today.
Hope things work out like i think they will.
One candidate is a little over the top..hoping the others all get in.
Here's one thread. Carb icing was mentioned and Summit has their own version. I'll keep looking.
Which Eddy for me?
We used to do 1 desert race in the dead of winter in Barstow. Yes boys and girls, Barstow gets plenty cold in winter. Since our motors were stockers we had to use what VW made for them as far as manifolds and carbs go. The stock manifold had a built in heat riser to keep the plenum from icing up. Some racers cut the heat risers off to save a couple pounds. One of my creative competitors mounted a small driving light to the manifold pointed at the plenum to keep it warm when necessary :rofl:It worked. I guess he didn't want to swap manifolds for that winter race. :steering:
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