Stop in for a cup of coffee

Speaking of nuts..... try it, you'll like it!
gold bond medicated.jpg
holy crap!!! what the heck is happening!! Bombs/suspicious packages sent to:

Time Warner
the DNC HQ office
White House
Some New York Billionaire

all on the same day. Everyone stay safe!
I have my theory ... Dems tricks, just before election....Opppps...Wrong Forum Again....Sorry.....
20 years of no beer for me would probably get to that total too!

I figure it was money well spent...therapy probably would have cost a lot more...
Hey, how rude of me not to ask, your daughter still doing ok?
Not that i dont drink,just what i drink in five now doesent come close to what i would drink in a weekend back then.
I have already
Saved mine as well. Always figued someone might want them for a correct look. The GE might be original, the other IIRC is a Westinghouse.
60s lamps have pretty minimal lens markings. There is, or should be an inked stamp on the back. Unfortunately I had the file size set too small when I took these photos.


Saved mine as well. Always figued someone might want them for a correct look. The GE might be original, the other IIRC is a Westinghouse.
60s lamps have pretty minimal lens markings. There is, or should be an inked stamp on the back. Unfortunately I had the file size set too small when I took these photos.

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I have a couple friends that do over the top restorations and would pay what ever to get the correct date coded lamps. I have always been a watchdog here at FBAO for people selling at over the top prices. If I see NOS I look for factory part numbers and packaging. If it doesn't include those, they are just good used parts.