Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wife said we won $20 something off our ticket.
Gee we get about half of what she spent back.
Just think how many millionaires there could be if they would lessen the odds.
If a million dollar win would net $500,000 it could change my life in a positive way. Not enough money to ruin it completely. LOL
My cheap *** would buy two handles of Weller's instead and really f some stuff up!
Wheated bourbon. I need to try it. A good thing for our whisky tasting group would be "Quality spirits for $20 or less"
If a million dollar win would net $500,000 it could change my life in a positive way. Not enough money to ruin it completely. LOL
there's some lotteries with the top prize set at 1 million. But you're missing the entire point of the lottery. Its not to make people rich or give them a windfall, its a voluntary tax disguised as a game.
About 20 years ago i stopped putting in $2/week for the lottery.
Makes for almost $11,000
holy crap!!! what the heck is happening!! Bombs/suspicious packages sent to:

Time Warner
the DNC HQ office
White House
Some New York Billionaire

all on the same day. Everyone stay safe!