Stop in for a cup of coffee


What is that 3" hole in the front fender where the little crossed flag emblem should go? Curious
We are supposed to be at the restaurant at 5. The wifee is late. (she knew she would be) I am getting sloshed waiting. Cheers. LOL
OK, I said I was getting sloshed. What's your favorite word to describe getting drunk? My favorite is "getting sloshed" What's your favorite?
OK, I said I was getting sloshed. What's your favorite word to describe getting drunk? My favorite is "getting sloshed" What's your favorite?
I don’t actually have one.

I really don’t get drunk...just climb to a comfortable cruising altitude and stay there for a while. :D

Although the altitude is higher sometimes than others...
Piston broke.
Was my typical saturday night 30 years ago.
If you are shipping over borders, use regular post office... If you use UPS or FedEx you will get nailed with "Borkerage fees".... They will rape you on brokerage fees...
Well good think seller is sending it south!!
We are still fighting with the contractor that did the siding and stone on our house. The inspector sent them a letter that they had to respond to me in 10 days. That ends tomorrow, she she is sending out another giving them a final notice and to respond in 7 days. If they do not then it gets sent to the state level. I got the feeling this is not going to go to well