Stop in for a cup of coffee

keep reading, i said that a couple posts down. I thought at first he meant the WHO they voted for, not if they voted
I made the mistake of thinking I could catch up. Should have done my catch up the way Kieth does.
Can it be re zinced?
I don't know the process. They aren't worth to much which is surprising since it is a one year part.
I'm by no means not looking for the prefect car, but hate a dirty ash tray.
TJ posted these last night post 244065

No. It's an old service station. An old Jiffy lube that went out of business some 10 years ago. Building is maybe 15-20 years old tops. It's zoned commercial so I'm sure the cost would be $$$$$$
Hey we had this same talk maybe six months ago. I thought then you said the state had shut them down for ground contamination??
Hey we had this same talk maybe six months ago. I thought then you said the state had shut them down for ground contamination??
that was a gas station on the other side of town. An old Tobacco Road gas station with millions in back taxes and ground contamination fees.
that was a gas station on the other side of town. An old Tobacco Road gas station with millions in back taxes and ground contamination fees.
Sucks when that happens. Unless it gets taken care of by superfund money, areas can become wasteland. If not small and very valuable location, nobody will ever bother with it. As said, they would be in a $ hole before they started.
Sucks when that happens. Unless it gets taken care of by superfund money, areas can become wasteland. If not small and very valuable location, nobody will ever bother with it. As said, they would be in a $ hole before they started.
yep. right now the DoT is using it as a staging area.
Sucks when that happens. Unless it gets taken care of by superfund money, areas can become wasteland. If not small and very valuable location, nobody will ever bother with it. As said, they would be in a $ hole before they started.
Bad enough trying to repurpose old shopping of factory sites. Add environmental issues and nobody will touch it.
Sucks when that happens. Unless it gets taken care of by superfund money, areas can become wasteland. If not small and very valuable location, nobody will ever bother with it. As said, they would be in a $ hole before they started.
maybe i should just design my garage to look like an old service station, probably MUCH cheaper
Unless something 'historic', most sites just get leveled and start over. So much easier. And, I would guess they get tax and other breaks for clean-up.
Unless something 'historic', most sites just get leveled and start over. So much easier. And, I would guess they get tax and other breaks for clean-up.
Put it on the Natl Historic Register and for commercial reuse there are still preservation tax credits.
maybe i should just design my garage to look like an old service station, probably MUCH cheaper, and look like a cheap copy
Nothing wrong with that if thats what floats yer boat. Disney makes lots of money and people happy.
I don't know the process. They aren't worth to much which is surprising since it is a one year part.
I'm by no means not looking for the prefect car, but hate a dirty ash tray.
Harold Demes does plating at home. I think that's zinc. Eastwood has some kits as well.
When you have some time. Harold Demes