Stop in for a cup of coffee

Make sure there are no leaking tanks in the past and what are the back taxes also. There was a guy in NY bought a station and opened it as a rent a lift. Made a freaking killing. Think you had to sign a waiver to use it. Sold the parts and also rented tools. Pretty cool actually like on a base.
Yep, it has two lifts in it already. Thought it'd make a neat little hot rod shop.
No. It's an old service station. An old Jiffy lube that went out of business some 10 years ago. Building is maybe 15-20 years old tops. It's zoned commercial so I'm sure the cost would be $$$$$$
Don't go there. You buy it and you will be responsible for the ground contamination. That's why it has been setting empty for so long.
Yep, it has two lifts in it already. Thought it'd make a neat little hot rod shop.
unless thats what you are already doing and just want to expand its a moneypit kind of proposition. I had a buddy try something like that many years ago and by the time he got the place cleaned up and set up he was so far in the hole that he was never able to dig back out.
Yup, I just did my civic duty and voted. I was also surprised at how many people were there at 7:30 am.....
Yup, I just did my civic duty and voted. I was also surprised at how many people were there at 7:30 am.....
I'll probably go in about an hour. Let the 'before work' people get through. Don't know if there is a 'lunch break' rush. Probably not much since most people don't work that close to home.
Don't go there. You buy it and you will be responsible for the ground contamination. That's why it has been setting empty for so long.
One of my Parts stores was on a corner in an industrial area. The LPG gas company across the street closed and moved. But I remember seeing a gas pump on the corner of the premis, where they would fuel their trucks. I moved my operation across the street to that building, also on the corner in 1987. Rented it for a while, then decided I wanted to buy the building for myself (10,000) SF. Soooooo... I called the owner one day and told him the EPA was snooping around , about the inground tanks. The following week, he had a crew out there, removing the tank, and the contaminated soil,, LOL. I let one more year pass, then I told him the roof was leaking...Yup...he sent a roofer out there and replaced the entire roof. This guy owned a lot of commercial properties , mostly in DC. Then, after all that was done, I called him a year later, ( 1991 ) and worked out a deal to buy the building from him.....He even took back 80% of the note........:thumbsup:
Good Morning!
It is so nice to be here (home) typing on FABO instead of being "Judge" running the polling station.
Well, I just got back from voting. I'll say this, I don't know who will win but I've been voting at 6am for nearly 15 years. I've never seen as many people in line as today. Usually I'm one of the first 3-4 to vote, I got there at 545, already 50 people in line, another 100 by the time I got to vote when the doors opened. We only have 1187 registered voters in my precinct, usually average about 250-300 voting. If I recall right, 2016, we had just over 300 vote, I bet you we had half that today by 615

Opening time is always a problem when more than a handful are waiting to sign in. Its impossible to clear the line because the math doesn't add up. We just try to be as efficient as possible and ask people to be patient. Its like this. Sign in takes 1 to 2 minutes. Voting on the manchine takes people 1-5 minutes depending on the voter and how many offices and questions are on the ballot. We have two voting machines. If there are 10 people in line at opening, the voter number 11 will have to wait around 15 minutes before its his/her turn to sign in. But it always takes longer for people to vote than sign in. So even with two machines, number 11 ends up waiting another 5 minutes. If there are 20 people in line at opening, the time to get to the 21s will be twice it was for 11.
Showing up a half hour after opening is usually better because we've cleared the backlog created by people lining up before opening. Ironic isn't it.

That's good, a good turnout is always good. Pisses me off when I hear only 60% (or less) registered voters voted in an election.
If it makes you feel better, these numbers are not quite as bad as it the percentage because its based on the list of registered voters.
The voting records always include people who have moved and have not reregistered in the state. So in an area with high residential turnover, college areas, bases, etc, there's a really high percentage of registered votors who no longer live in the division. That's why the local election board (the people who sign voters in) is really important. If someone shows up who has moved, we know that. We can let them vote and register their move (in state only), or if they have gone overseas, they can continue to vote. More important, if anyone comes in pretending to be one of these moved/dead/etc since we live here, we're going to know it. (Never actually had that attempted)
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Never got why PA you don't show ID, every other place I lived it was mandatory. Just asking for voter fraud if you ask me.
Yeah that's supposed to be confidential and not tracked... illegal in Indiana to release that. It's a Felony in this state

I've not missed one since I was 18, including primaries
What is?
Voting records are public records.
We have listings by street address as well as the actual registration book where people sign in.
I beleive your birthday, certainly your Soc Sec number, things like that are private.
But name and address and party registered are public.
This is how you end up on mailing lists from the DNC, RNC and any others with money and resources.

How you voted is secret. The fact you voted is not.
If you show up to vote again, everyone can call you out on it, not just the friendly people behind the desk that you slipped a token of appreciation too.
Never got why PA you don't show ID, every other place I lived it was mandatory. Just asking for voter fraud if you ask me.
Or they ask you your address: "do you live at xxxxx?" Well yes even if I don't. They do that at the bank too. Duh! "Are you Mike?"
I'll be whoever you want me to be honey! :rofl:
Never got why PA you don't show ID, every other place I lived it was mandatory. Just asking for voter fraud if you ask me.
We do if you are new to the voting division. Its mandatory actually.
And if your registed address is a school or business I'm going to bust yer ____ about it. (nicely of course)
One of my Parts stores was on a corner in an industrial area. The LPG gas company across the street closed and moved. But I remember seeing a gas pump on the corner of the premis, where they would fuel their trucks. I moved my operation across the street to that building, also on the corner in 1987. Rented it for a while, then decided I wanted to buy the building for myself (10,000) SF. Soooooo... I called the owner one day and told him the EPA was snooping around , about the inground tanks. The following week, he had a crew out there, removing the tank, and the contaminated soil,, LOL. I let one more year pass, then I told him the roof was leaking...Yup...he sent a roofer out there and replaced the entire roof. This guy owned a lot of commercial properties , mostly in DC. Then, after all that was done, I called him a year later, ( 1991 ) and worked out a deal to buy the building from him.....He even took back 80% of the note........:thumbsup:
thats some great stuff
I know the first time is but if you are in the city not a small town who would know if you used a recently dead guys?
I agree as stated above, could cost millions to clean up.
There must be ways to handle that in the sales agreements. Need a real estate attny whos done that type of stuff before.
Where I worked after college, I think it was Cessna who still had the responsibility for cleaning up. Of course if we added to the contamination then responsibility could shift to the new owner.
Gotta head out now, to the Mens breakfast, so we can talk about the election....:thumbsup:
There must be ways to handle that in the sales agreements. Need a real estate attny whos done that type of stuff before.
Where I worked after college, I think it was Cessna who still had the responsibility for cleaning up. Of course if we added to the contamination then responsibility could shift to the new owner.
See post 244128
What is?
Voting records are public records.
We have listings by street address as well as the actual registration book where people sign in.
I beleive your birthday, certainly your Soc Sec number, things like that are private.
But name and address and party registered are public.
This is how you end up on mailing lists from the DNC, RNC and any others with money and resources.

How you voted is secret. The fact you voted is not.
If you show up to vote again, everyone can call you out on it, not just the friendly people behind the desk that you slipped a token of appreciation too.
keep reading, i said that a couple posts down. I thought at first he meant the WHO they voted for, not if they voted