Stop in for a cup of coffee

just did this was stained pretty bad.
Good morning. I received a cute little "I Voted" email photo from one of my old desert homies, but I think it's a little to risqué to post :rofl:That desert sun, I tell ya, it cooks your brain :rofl:
Looks like the rivets that hold the plate on the underside of a stock intake.
Basically need them for ID tags on the old autolights I am doing. I want to re do the tags no way if they are mounted on. Those rivets are pretty much a one time use.

Well compared to what I bought it for ($42), $100 to finish is far about the worth of the part.
Just posted a link, really simple but I have a adjustable power supply I use. You can pretty much buy the ingredients at the supermarket for the solution, just need Zinc, I just buy ingots and drill a hole in them they last a long time. And you can use like a cell phone charger .3 amps per square inch. so a 500 MA supply is fine unless you do a lot of stuff at once. You want that one done no sweat send it to me I do it every few days, just pay the rides.
I got one of those and a radio support bracket to clean up also. Buddy has some wheel bright, an acid you spray on and sit for a couple minutes then wash off. Said it worked great on aluminum wheels. Might try it.
Zinc wont stick to brass or aluminum or pot metal. Great for vac advances I did a prestolight housing for a guy came out really nice and it does not flake off like chrome does. Just have to buff it out after plating it.
Zinc wont stick to brass or aluminum or pot metal. Great for vac advances I did a prestolight housing for a guy came out really nice and it does not flake off like chrome does. Just have to buff it out after plating it.
Well I'm not sure what type metal the ash tray is?? I'm talking about the piece on the left....this is the one I bought. The other one on the right we're painting
Don't go there. You buy it and you will be responsible for the ground contamination. That's why it has been setting empty for so long.

We had an underground diesel tank at the hot plant 20K gallons. The tank tester guy shows up to do his annual test. His test was inconclusive, could not tell if it was or was not leaking. County says uncover it. So we do. When we get it uncovered we find no wet spots, however we find that some time in the 20 years it had been there they had probably driven a loaded Euclid over it and bent the top of the tank a substantial amount. Our engineer has kittens right on the spot. "We've got to go above ground!" . Got that installed, got the old one out of the ground. Life is good. With the removal the county mandated soil tests 2 years after the tank is gone. Here comes the soil guys with their boring/testing machine. County inspector wants them to angle drill under my shop/switchroom to test. Soil guy does so DIRECTLY under one of my 3 transformer holding power poles at the county guy's insistence. Busy making blacktop we hear a loud CRACK and the plant stops instantly. Undermined the pole, pole drops, cross braces on the poles splinter, one phase breaks off the transformer on the plant side. County inspector flees the scene. Soil guy's boring bit is trapped under the pole. Took PG&E the rest of the day to extricate the boring machine. They were not happy, neither were we. Love those APCD guys :rofl:
I might just send you the old one to do. If I do I'll pay the ride and throw in a few green $$.
The seller I got this one from is in Richfield, close to you.
We had an underground diesel tank at the hot plant 20K gallons. The tank tester guy shows up to do his annual test. His test was inconclusive, could not tell if it was or was not leaking. County says uncover it. So we do. When we get it uncovered we find no wet spots, however we find that some time in the 20 years it had been there they had probably driven a loaded Euclid over it and bent the top of the tank a substantial amount. Our engineer has kittens right on the spot. "We've got to go above ground!" . Got that installed, got the old one out of the ground. Life is good. With the removal the county mandated soil tests 2 years after the tank is gone. Here comes the soil guys with their boring/testing machine. County inspector wants them to angle drill under my shop/switchroom to test. Soil guy does so DIRECTLY under one of my 3 transformer holding power poles at the county guy's insistence. Busy making blacktop we hear a loud CRACK and the plant stops instantly. Undermined the pole, pole drops, cross braces on the poles splinter, one phase breaks off the transformer on the plant side. County inspector flees the scene. Soil guy's boring bit is trapped under the pole. Took PG&E the rest of the day to extricate the boring machine. They were not happy, neither were we. Love those APCD guys :rofl:
Some people just like to prove how f'k'n dumb they can be. :BangHead:
One of the best I ever saw was when we were painting the ship, usually used rollers, but this new chief wanted us just to spray, OK he gets this sprayer that goes on top of a 55 gallon barrel of paint, ok cool. We were in Marseille France at the main naval base well he hooks up the air. Boom the freaking barrel exploded paint all over the place, cars, their ships etc. Well a ship has low pressure air 100 psi and high 2500 psi. Guess which one he hooked up to? Freaking funny as hell.
Opening time is always a problem when more than a handful are waiting to sign in. Its impossible to clear the line because the math doesn't add up. We just try to be as efficient as possible and ask people to be patient. Its like this. Sign in takes 1 to 2 minutes. Voting on the manchine takes people 1-5 minutes depending on the voter and how many offices and questions are on the ballot. We have two voting machines. If there are 10 people in line at opening, the voter number 11 will have to wait around 15 minutes before its his/her turn to sign in. But it always takes longer for people to vote than sign in. So even with two machines, number 11 ends up waiting another 5 minutes. If there are 20 people in line at opening, the time to get to the 21s will be twice it was for 11.
Showing up a half hour after opening is usually better because we've cleared the backlog created by people lining up before opening. Ironic isn't it.
Done. Less than 10 minutes in there. Could have actually been half that, but...
We have 6 machines. They break us into 4 lines by alphabet. I am in A-F. I was about 6 in line. Several more coming in right behind me, almost all in same line. Total 11 in my line. 1 in next. Nobody in 3rd and one in last.:wtf: Then the guy in front of me signs his name in wrong spot and the official had to go ask somebody what to do with it. LOL
One of the best I ever saw was when we were painting the ship, usually used rollers, but this new chief wanted us just to spray, OK he gets this sprayer that goes on top of a 55 gallon barrel of paint, ok cool. We were in Marseille France at the main naval base well he hooks up the air. Boom the freaking barrel exploded paint all over the place, cars, their ships etc. Well a ship has low pressure air 100 psi and high 2500 psi. Guess which one he hooked up to? Freaking funny as hell.