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One of the things that also sets my coloriing book images apart is using shades of gray in the images so that simple coloring gives a much better result by automatically shading the image in the right places. My research today made me realize that the very best coloring books for adults across all categories use this subtlety and the customers love it.

Like this for example...just color the bricks with one color pencil and watch them come alive!

I put an idea out years ago. Suggested a mural kit. Several overlays to create a given image.
His flames were really good,figured he could market something like that.

What im getting at, is say coloring book had wheel choice templates. Or scoops. Spoilers..
I put an idea out years ago. Suggested a mural kit. Several overlays to create a given image.
His flames were really good,figured he could market something like that.

What im getting at, is say coloring book had wheel choice templates. Or scoops. Spoilers..
That might work in an online image selection program, but very hard to do in a coloring book. There would need to be far more pages of templates than images and every image would require a full set of supporting templates. Might not be a bad idea for a stand alone software program for printing “custom” images to color.
If you look carefully at this original colored image of the B&W one above, you will realized that no more than 6-8 colors are actually used. The gradient of color is achieved by the gray-scale, lightening and darkening each color by itself.

Ouch, you all see the video of that Redskins QB snapping his ankle?!?! Looks nasty
Hey Ramie...survive the birthday??
When you get as old as me its just another day.
Alex Smith....don't watch. Bad as Theisman 20 years ago.
They wouldn't show it on Game Day, its that bad.
Post game on ESPN showed. It's nasty looking but not as bad as Theisman's. And was that really only 20 years ago?! I thought that happened in the mid 80s?
Post game on ESPN showed. It's nasty looking but not as bad as Theisman's. And was that really only 20 years ago?! I thought that happened in the mid 80s?
I don't know probably....just doesn't seem that long ago.
Nice! One day in the office for me tomorrow and then Home the rest of the week. Will be working Tuesday and Wednesday...but at least I won’t have to fight the commute.
2 day work week for me. Wednesday afternoon we are heading to my son's. Pretty sure they are working Friday, so we come home either late Thurs or early Friday.