Stop in for a cup of coffee

So I kinda killed my own fun.

I was going to go car hunting today and make a thread with all the cool old cars I found.

Problem is......i have bought up all the cars I knew of in the area so that is a double edge sword because I don't know of any more.....

So when are you going to be on an episode of Hoarders???? :rolleyes: :poke:
I have it set up ready to go, but somehow i misplaced my pump. It was in the pail with coil of tubing. Its around.
I loaned it to a buddy, froze 20 feet away from house. Thawed about 4 feet with 1/2 gallon of water in 20 minutes.

It occasionally freezes in my pumphouse, i supply 6 other homes with water. Had to figure out a quick thaw method. That is it.

Did you say quick thaw or Quick Draw????

Quick Draw.jpg
It’s true. It’s 20* inside my house.

Funny, times like this show who true friends are. The friend that has had my brand new chainsaw for over 3 months won’t answer his phone. A hell of a note, a brand new 24” saw, used it one time and I haven’t seen it since!

My cousin showed up immediately, even though we haven’t talked in over a year and he brought whiskey, a hair dryer and heat wrap for pipes. A friend of mine in the national guard brought over an infrared propane heater (the kind you use while hunting) and the 3 Of us are chasing pipes and trying to thaw everything out.

Yes, you learn who your true friends are when you need a hand... They are the ones who show up to help when life knocks you down and you really need it ...
There is hope for humanity yet!

My friend that brought over the propane heater asked for the keys to my Ram. He came back with a load of firewood and a chainsaw.

His dad heats with wood too and as soon as his dad heard what I was going through they loaded my truck with wood and he threw in a Stihl saw for me to use.

I’m supposed to go over later for dinner, and his dad wants to know who has my new saw (he wants to knock on a door...... and take my saw back....)

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That's a good friend there.... :thumbsup:
We delivered a load of firewood to a disabled friend,it was somewhere around -50 that day.
Happy Thanksgiving

I just got done with dishes and clean up.

Great day and still a lot of evening left

I'm getting to my dishes from the last few days that I didn't have time to get done...

They are soaking in hot water right now as I catch up on FABO....
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Certain ones do take part in SOME modern conveniences. Most around here only do so for their daily jobs off their farms. Others come into town to peddle their crops. It's funny to see an Amish veggie stand set up outside in the parking the Adult store

That's great! You have to get a pic of that one. Cucumbers on sale?

No cucumbers, taters....

I see the Mad Bomber is here, catching up.... Hey Karl !!!!!!!

Hi Mitch....

Yep catching up from yesterday... I didn't get home till after 3 AM today...

There was a bad accident on I-80/94/294 west just the second exit after crossing back into IL from IN and they had the whole west side of the road closed off for an accident investigation and I had to wing it to find my way back after being forced off the highway.... I saw the remains of a car that looked like it had went through a crusher at a junk yard...