Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dave so sorry to hear about your father.
You've kept us informed with his decline.
From what you've told us, he was a great man, and you are very proud to be his son.
When my Dad passed, I tried to reflect on the good times.
Doing so kept me smiling as I mourned his passing.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Yesterday I went out to the bubby's shop. We've known each other since 2nd grade.
He'd primer sprayed my dash the other day and it fisheyed.
He's busy, so I cleaned it up and wet sanded it again. It was just him and I in the shop, working, talking about life, and listening to Christmas music.
I cleaned up my mess when I was done, and even offered him help to finish what he was working on.
Even though I was helping him take care of my stuff (and saving a few $$), I felt offering to help is what a friend does and helps me squeeze in his two year wait line the next time I needed something.:thumbsup:
My buudy is always here. Throwing in a helping hand. He has pretty good skills, especially construction. Good with moving big stuff and never backs down from any task. He’s #1 on my list if he needs anything done. Shop addition is his thing. He will organize it, i will be his helper.
The wind will bring them over to your property I bet as well
Nope creek on my side has a 20 foot bank. No leaves can make it over. Besides the trees and brush is so thick nothing moves.
We have a small heard in the woods. They come through the back yard to eat acorns.
No one around here has ever thought of taking one. We just enjoy watching.
Deer tracks in my shed, and around the parts vehicles.
Are you raising those deer, or do you hunt them once in awhile??
They are wild and I do hunt them. Had a rough archery season this year. Ended up in an argument with my neighbor and throwing him off my land. He shot 2 and then could not find them. I am sure he shot them after dark. I was pissed and would like to turn him in.
They are wild and I do hunt them. Had a rough archery season this year. Ended up in an argument with my neighbor and throwing him off my land. He shot 2 and then could not find them. I am sure he shot them after dark. I was pissed and would like to turn him in.
Yep I use to hunt...that stinks. Biggest buck I ever shot took two hours to find. You can if you take your time find and follow the trail.
I lost interest and gave it up years ago.
That big buck I had made up and it hung on the wall for years. I finally gave it away to a guy who admired it for what it was.
Cars are a lot more fun!!
Here is more...I have 6 different Bucks, coyotes and this guy

Yep I use to hunt...that stinks. Biggest buck I ever shot took two hours to find. You can if you take your time find and follow the trail.
I lost interest and gave it up years ago.
That big buck I had made up and it hung on the wall for years. I finally gave it away to a guy who admired it for what it was.
Cars are a lot more fun!!
1 shot 1 kill for me. Usually drop on the spot. Farthest I've had to track is 20 yards. Now my brother, yeah, he can't hit **** and I tracked one for nearly 4 hours before giving up
Part of my garden plans for the spring is for a food plot. Problem is, I'll be surrounded by corn fields so I'm not sure it'll do much good
Part of my garden plans for the spring is for a food plot. Problem is, I'll be surrounded by corn fields so I'm not sure it'll do much good
Good morning. How about a strip down the middle?