Stop in for a cup of coffee

My clean workbench lasted all of 3 minutes.
Cutting up the main column for shop crane. Some (better) welding and 1/2 dozen holes.
Finally got someone to help me hold this handrail in place so I can check for fitment. Need to cut 1/4 in off one tube, so it fits right. More BEER....
Slumming it up here. It is hard to take some times...

Speaking of cars .....
I am completely enamored and delighted with a new discovery. The FCBO guys told me about this.

On the outside it looks exactly like an old elecro-mechanical voltage regulator but inside is actually modern voltage regulator electronics.

This is freaking genius and a credit to opposable thumbs. This baby is going in the fury this weekend with a whole electronic ignition conversion


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Oh do share
Sometimes you have to put up with some pretty rough things to spend time with family
I've caught over 18 of them in the back garage since middle of summer...

They go in waves... I catch a few for a while, then it's quiet for a few weeks or so....

Then the traps start getting set off or catching one or two again... I have to set another round of traps back there again as I haven't for a month now... Been focusing on the inside...
Ever see the ones people make where the mice walk out on a dowel and then get flipped into the bucket of water ?
Packed, labeled and addressed 33 fingers are cramped now, LOL!
Ah yes. Don't really miss printing, copying, collating, folding sealing and putting stamps on dozens of mailings. Every step that got automated was appreciated!
Thanks Dave.
Saw your note posted last night. Not much to add to what others already said other than my thoughts are with you.
Shop crane is making progress, uprights trimmed and welded to base, drilled a couple holes and next is drilling/mounting the boom. Cross bolt is too short, will have to hunt something up that will work.
The taller heavier verticals will make it so much better, and in all likelyhood i should have no problem lengthening boom.
The standard folding shop crane is about 18” too short to swap engines in newer gm trucks.
Shop crane is making progress, uprights trimmed and welded to base, drilled a couple holes and next is drilling/mounting the boom. Cross bolt is too short, will have to hunt something up that will work.
The taller heavier verticals will make it so much better, and in all likelyhood i should have no problem lengthening boom.
The standard folding shop crane is about 18” too short to swap engines in newer gm trucks.
Vang. Toi Hieu.......
Well, tore into the broken shop heater and found that the compressor center is waaaayyyy off center....

Maybe the other one identical to it that's also broken has a good one to swap in....