Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning rain here overnight.
Supposed to get hit overnight again tonight.
Foot doc this morning. Ankle I dislocated and fractured a few years back needs some rework done.
Just for the record.

Good morning everyone. Feeling much better today. Was finally able to function late afternoon, but very foggy and feeling off at bed time. There is a fox in the neighborhood, what an annoying SOB. Makes the most horrible noises (yips, screams, etc) something needs to be done.
A nice 72 here this morning, a lite shower came threw at 1am , another mild temps for today and all week it appears.
Anyone else get puzzled by sale ads showing vehicles during rebuild? Hard to tell what the current state is? Or the bait and switch "it could look like this with $50k invested...Barrett Jackson photo"

1984 Dodge w150
ok.. honestly don't think i have ever seen a wagon.. someone needs to buy this...

Also.. 340/4 speed, it's magical!
