Stop in for a cup of coffee


Good morning :D
Good Morning All, Checking in from So. Jersey, Home of BB 62 The Black Dragon, Battleship NJ.

Looking thru some of the containers Ken has on his property, Under a inch of dust he has a Edsel station wagon that looks in good shape, How many can still be around? Seriously tempting to throw a offer on it after I get the stove issue done if I can afford it.

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Rumor has it that the 9" Ford diff that resides there in is a drop-in replacement for many A Bodys.

The Land Espresso Record machine like most hot rods has it's own likes and dislikes and subject to tuning. The orange Cafe du Monde is a coarse grind from the factory. As I loaded up the fuel for it's first pass I figured "This will be way down on power." . Thoughts of grinding an entire can at once for future runs raced through my head. WRONG! Speed is there! ET is there! Full course run! :steering: :D
Caitlin dropped 35 tonight @toolmanmike

@Sublime one ... What's the damage for the day?
Interesting day, I got invited to teach pistol work in Wilmington NC to some of the helo drivers in October. Not sure how that will pan out? Makes me wonder why they don’t use their own SF instructors? It would be in conjunction with a hand to hand and knife fighting three day course.
Interesting day, I got invited to teach pistol work in Wilmington NC to some of the helo drivers in October. Not sure how that will pan out? Makes me wonder why they don’t use their own SF instructors? It would be in conjunction with a hand to hand and knife fighting three day course.
USMC cats or Army bubbas?
Brings to mind an incident that occurred during an Off Road race I participated in so long ago.
What it made me think of was my ex wife was always late....I mean ALWAYS. This one particular she was to play the organ in church. We lived 25 miles from the church and were living out in the middle of the State Forest . And she kept messing with her hair and makeup and we were going to be late. We had a VW rabbit and when we left we normally would have been 10 minutes late. But I got her there just in time. She didn't talk to me for a week but she wasn't late for a while after that. And yes we left the ground more than once. Those rabbits were great little cars