68 Dart 340/727:66 Signet Vert 340/5spd: 68 D100
Answer:where you get "elitist" from?
"you early a-body guys are a riot" and "Stop being whiners and accept a gift when you see one. You should be thanking them for aknowledging the pre-67 A-bodies.
So Early A-body guys/cars should feel lucky and privileged that we are even mentioned in the same magazine as 67 and later mopars?
You just seemed to come off that way is all. Surely not your intention I hope. We early a-body guys are a tight niche in the mopar scene because we have been overlooked for so many years.
It's nice that the Early-As are starting the get their due and TTI and Mopar Muscle has recognized that. The article, like many have pointed out, could have been a better. It was not perfect. Like I said before, I think better articles will follow. TTI will continue to improve and expand their products. Everyone knows TTI is one of the best. It's a good thing FABO is around so the so called unknown/cleverly undisclosed details are revealed. That's what this site is all about. :thumbup: Oh and bitching too of course.There is no reason to bash a reputable company and a magazine for trying.
If you had gotten that Dart I'm sure you would have loved it, but then you may have been a little more sensitive or better yet had an understanding of the early A-body issues that have been a struggle for so many years. We can't change what MaMopar did 40 years ago and I can see why there are certain complainers and whiners out there. I don't support them but I am empathetic. It's just the way you came off is all. I'll cut you some slack because you considered the early A. :butthead:As a matter of fact, I was looking at a 65 dart before I bought my 68 two months ago.