What Pet(s) do you have?

What pets do you have?

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View attachment 1715436105 Riley 11 years old. Daddy's buddy boy.

View attachment 1715436118And Belle 8 1/2 years old. Daddy's sweetie heart girl. The only two I have ever had.
I love every minute I spend with both of them. When we're out walking, I notice that I am usually smiling. It's 1/2 mile around the neighborhood and it takes us about 30 minutes to make it around but I am happy. Riley stops about every 3 feet to sniff and mark, and check p-mail messages and leave his reply. Belle helps keep lookout for anything we may need to know about.
A little over 4 years later...

Riley's has passed 15. His eyes are cloudy. He can only see shadows or light with his left eye, no response from his right eye. He can only hear loud or sharp noises. I lead him around everywhere he goes. He will run into things or walk off an edge like stairs.

Belle is approaching 13. We thought we would lose Riley someday and then have a few more years with Belle. Her weight was down from 16 lbs. to 15½ and she had a slight heart murmur last fall. Several weeks ago Friday morning, she seemed to pass out, her head arched way back and she let out a cry. Got her in to see the vet. Her heart murmur was now grade 4 out of 6. Her heart is enlarged and she has fluid in her lungs. Her weight is down to 13½ lbs. I started limiting her activity. After a second episode Friday afternoon, she started Lasix. She passed out again last Saturday. Now she is also on Vetmedin which helped reduce her breathing rate from mid 30s per minute to mid 20s. Much better.

Found this on youtube which is exactly like her passing out episodes.

These two were my bestest friends ten years ago, miss both of them every day..


These two are our current buddies... Great girls...

Two dogs, one cat at the moment. All are rescues.

Charlie is my oldest, about 14 or so. A super sweet pup, found at a local shelter. She's some kind of Heinz 57 black lab mix. Here she is sharing a snooze with Tater.


Dixie was found as a stray in Texas, then found her way up to the PNW where she finally found a home. A Great Pyrenees, I think she's about 3 now.


And Tater, who was abandoned by some asshole who moved and left him behind. Score one for me, I got a great cat out of the deal. Getting a bit stiff legged at 14 or so, but still doing well.

Haven't seen this thread before today.
We have an elderly tuxedo cat, Blackout, and four gsd's, three black-n-reds, and a black. Mopar, Hemi, Magnum, and Cuda.
LOTS of black fur floating around.



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this is paco. he was my right hand. together we vanquished enemies and devoured their souls, stole the hearts of pretty ladies, bested our detractors, sullied the reputation of those who crossed us, fought a land war in asia-- and won. we also built some mopars along the way.

he was part dog. he was very very tiny when i rescued him and he was never around other cats so his behavior was modified. but he liked to work

a while after he passed there was a caturday 2-fer 1 sale, so i figured what the hey and scooped a pair. got lucky with a matching set that a mamma didn't want.

they are my tiny handsome fuzzy guardians of the underworld and have now grown into big strong beautiful sons. while they don't like to get greasy and roll around on the shop floor, they are doing great work in the shipping department
Our 2 spoiled rotten West Highland White Terriers. Sammy will be 14 in April not that you'd know it. He's active, happy, playful and loves walks and Jeep rides. Luna will be 9 in June. Absolutely the sweetest, most loving and outgoing little dog you could ever ask for. Everyone in our neighborhood loves them to pieces. Best. Dogs. Ever.

Cats. Say hello to my two furry idiots, Jetta, and Hobbes. Hobbes loves his Bill Clinton stuffed toy. He loves to bite him in the face. It took Jetta about a week to warm up to him. Now these 2 are inseparable.

We used to have 2 dogs but both passed from old age. I had Sadie Girl for 18 years, she was my best friend. I was crushed when I held her as they put her to sleep. After that, I did not want another pet. We got Jetta from the pound for one of our daughters, but she bonded with my wife and I instead. Then a year later my buddies cat had kittens. I did not want one, but he sent me pix and my heart melted. Hobbes is a stinker. Prob because at 1 year old he is technically a teenager in cat years. Lol.

Jetta is a creature of habit. If I'm not in bed by 9:30 she protests. She has to curl up next to me at night. I guess that is her bedtime lol.









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This is our latest addition. She's 10 weeks old and cute as can be. That being said, being a puppy parent is a FULL TIME job. Must be time for me to clock in?

My best friend Finnegan, helped get me through loosing my last Dacshund Sally, loves camping and swimming in his pool. There very loyal dogs, ( as most are ) he isn't a big fan of walks cause he has to take about 5 steps for one of mine, lol but he always comes anyway because he just wants to be included.



I have dogs and cats .
Here's proof of dogs.
heres the f'n dog
i took him in this winter after someone dumped him. His name is popcorn, he's a good boy....the girls tell him to do this crap.