Why I can't buy a Tesla



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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......Becuz I'd hafta turn in my "man" card.......

I just found out there is something called a "Tesla Plaid." OK, really??
The Plaid does 0-60 in the 2s. 9 second quarters at 150. It's a dumb name, but worse than Scamp?
I dunno. I'm glad I lived in my time.
I couldn't afford one, ever, even if I lived long enough to see em in a boneyard, and could figure out how to fix em ( I'd need Del fer that), I don't wanna contribute to Chi-Com owned, slave worker mines, I don't wanna plug in a car, it ain't gonna say" Rumpity, rumpity, RumpRump, Rumpity" in the mornings, I have no need for one, and if I did I'd destroy the thing haulin' tools and materials, plus I don't wanna look like a pissed of old Biker in some stolen executives car... that's just a start
Tesla's just a gimmick
It's a gimmick that the taxpayers have to contribute too. Here in Canada anyone who buys one get a 12,500 credit from our Gov (meaning us) to the cost of these cars. So you're paying for one whether you own one or not.
So the big question is "What is it going to do the hydro grid"? In the Summer we are asked to turn the a/c up a bit to try and conserve energy. I understand the batteries are good for around 10 yrs and are very costly. So is the average guy going to replace the battery or go out and buy another one and what happens to the old car and the old batteries. Will they go to a landfill or be recycled.
Another thing is these cars average around 400 miles or Km whatever it is and takes at least 30 minutes to recharge. So if you're on a trip that means every 400 miles you are forced to stop regardless and recharge for 30.
A normal car takes maybe 5 minutes to fill the tank and you're on your way.
Lots to think about.
My neighbor is all in. Last spring he had a Tesla roof installed. The roof tiles you see are some kind of solar panels. The side of the garage has two storage batteries, and it is tied into the house current. You can see the car charging cables near the panel box. I drove by the other day, and there were two Teslas plugged in. My roof is snow covered, I didn't notice if his was.
This picture was taken as the installation was just about finished.

I couldn't afford one, ever, even if I lived long enough to see em in a boneyard, and could figure out how to fix em ( I'd need Del fer that), I don't wanna contribute to Chi-Com owned, slave worker mines, I don't wanna plug in a car, it ain't gonna say" Rumpity, rumpity, RumpRump, Rumpity" in the mornings, I have no need for one, and if I did I'd destroy the thing haulin' tools and materials, plus I don't wanna look like a pissed of old Biker in some stolen executives car... that's just a start
So, how do you really feel?:lol:
Well, they just ain't fer me... lol
Sitting atop a chemical time-bomb that costs in the neighborhood of $1000 in battery depletion per year is , IMO, somewhat ludicrous.
To save that $1000 annually, First I gotta gross it up by applicable sales taxes so that comes to 1130, then to have that money in my hands, I have to earn about 30% more to cover income tax so over $1600 dollars in gross wages in 2021 dollars, and I guess I still gotta budget for installation and perhaps shipping! What's all this gonna cost in the future, when the batterypack actually fails. Oh I know, about the same as the price of a nearly new gas-guzzling economy-car.
At the current rate of inflation, I am spending nearly $300 a week on food and household stuff. So 1600 is already FIVE months of living
Even if I was a richman, I would not make that purchase. I'd rather submit to being vaxxed, which I will never willingly do, period. lol.
Like said;

Well, they just ain't fer me... lol
My son recently got a Tesla S and I got to tell ya it's a blast to drive, hit that pedal and your gone, drives like a slot car. I myself wouldn't own one, I like the roar of my Dart, but that Tesla was a different kind of fun. Oh, and he still loves to drive the Dart!
Electric is going to win the future of personal conveyance market. Electric motors have a superior torque curve vs internal combustion. Thus better performance. They are significantly more energy efficient. Thus lower operating costs. They has less maintenance requirements. Thus lower overall ownership costs. The only issue is range and battery costs. But that is where the next generation of battery technologies will render that short coming moot. Lithium is the best we have in the market today. Tomorrow? Solid State and hydrogen fuel cell technology will then render Lithium obsolete for large storage capacity needs.

Electric vehicles damn near won the choice award over 100 years ago. Today? It's no real contest. The only question? Which economies will lead in the new markets? We are late to the party. And there is really no value in pointing fingers. But we're not too late.
the only REAL question is, will they ever be able to make an electric car with more range then 4 banger with 3 gallons of gas ?
They already have. In the next 10 years? 1000 mi per charge. A charge that takes 20 min.
Everyone talks about depletion of fossil fuels. How about the depletion of lithium? How long is that going to last?
Everyone talks about depletion of fossil fuels. How about the depletion of lithium? How long is that going to last?
Lithium is one of the most abundant elements on earth. But in the near future? Lithium will be obsolete. Its just the best in market storage designs today.