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  1. dingo77

    Deer stand manners?

    beware of buck feaver lol
  2. dingo77

    FABO Member List

    the link is located in your user cp under buddy/ignor list. your most welcome skybolt
  3. dingo77

    Car wax,what do you prefer? whens the last time i did that lol.
  4. dingo77

    FABO Member List

    here see if this helps
  5. dingo77

    Lock N Load with R. Lee Ermey

    lol i love the expression on his face when they fired the cannon. almost like he wasnt expecting it lol.
  6. dingo77

    My GIANT MESS of a garage

    ah but the big money question is.....whats going to happen when you help another friend move lol.
  7. dingo77

    Ok I'm PI$$ED

    too true mike. since i work on the state roads i yell at people so much to get off the phone its not even funny. and speaking of being on the phone. aperantly my girlfriends collage dagree biologist sister just called saying she got pulled over for being on the phone but the officer let her...
  8. dingo77

    Ok I'm PI$$ED

    ...use in passing a law that local P.D. doesnt even follow. man if i had a $ for every cop ive seen on the phone or texting while driving i could move out of this chicken $h*t state. Yes daredevil i have seen that rod around qutite a few times looks good. ive also met all the boys at snow...
  9. dingo77

    Wife screamed out loud!!

    should have boxed her up and sent her to me i got a few rattlers out at a buddys shop that need controlled
  10. dingo77

    Ok I'm PI$$ED

    ive been here in fresno 10 years and yes you are right about how things are. what really gets me about the phone thing is i work for caltrans ( californias department of transportation) and there has been alot off close calls and people killed that work for CT. so i get REALLY peeved about that...
  11. dingo77

    Ok I'm PI$$ED

    Today has been a screwed up day. all started out with my girlfriend taking her moms car into midas to have the brakes checked AGAIN after having had taken it in almost a month ago. i had come by before the first time it went in and had told her it seems like the master cylinder was going out...
  12. dingo77

    Musicians....a moment of silence...

    we lose another great in the music industry. hang on to your guitars boys.
  13. dingo77

    wife laid her opinion on me and i dont like it

    man if shes going to be into goats you atleast got to get her liking the rite years lol...64' and 65' 389 tri power is the only goats worth having lol.
  14. dingo77

    wife laid her opinion on me and i dont like it

    lol well atleast she has something to say about your car lol. my gal never really was all that into my dart (shes a chevy gal, they cant all be perfect lol) but after i took her to her first mopar car show last year she has started warming up to it little by little after seeing it comming...
  15. dingo77

    So your garage isn't big enough..

    i just want the cash value on one of the older lambos please
  16. dingo77

    Dash pad removal, what's it take ?

    the dash pad is help on by just a few screws and couple nuts. feel up under the dash into the back of the dash pad and you will find them
  17. dingo77

    "Cudagirl"'s new "girlcave"

    sniff sniff i want one
  18. dingo77

    Animal rights activists say hunting is inhumane.

    OOOO OOO OOOOOO I WANT TO RANT TOOOOOO. ok here is what my big peeve is with these assholes. for one the ones that doo eat meat think that it just comes magicaly from the store and not a dod i dare say LIVING ANIMAL. yup fraid so you gotta kill one to get that weekend burger or dog. and then...
  19. dingo77

    Members location?????

    Fresno, CA. middle of hell.
  20. dingo77

    Any Ideas?????????

    lol oh yea i forgot to add the part where you get one of your drunk buddies to vacume while you stand by with quarters lol
  21. dingo77

    Any Ideas?????????

    whoa that sux. i had a 78 trans am that had a slight ant problem but nothing major like that. they came in through a hole in the fendor and colonized in the carpet on the pass floorboard. i took it to a quarter car wash and sucked the majority of them out with the vacum after that i raided the...
  22. dingo77

    Look out Memike!!!!

    wait whats going on i got side tracked by that lil orange car and thinking it needs a blown hemi lol. hmm so whos got the cash drawer going for this race? gotta get the spread going on this one lol.
  23. dingo77

    These Guys Rock!

    i totaly agree there. its hard to get radio stations to play black metal lol
  24. dingo77

    Rare Cars that you didn't buy

    well here is one that i should have kicked my dad in the ARSE for selling....65 389 GTO. man
  25. dingo77

    Super Quick Engine Removal

    turbos look good run it again lol
  26. dingo77


    gotta love blue gill best little fish to get youngins hooked on fishin
  27. dingo77

    Pics: Spring Turlock Swap Meet

    damn i knew i should have went lol. E-Body eds a great guy helped me find alot of parts and his prices on stuff arent too bad.
  28. dingo77

    knee surgery sucks

    here too had mine done yr and a half ago it sucked. all i could do was sit here and look at my dart calling to come work on her, while i was laid up. makes ya want to cry lol. hope ya get movin around soon. and yes DO listen to the Doc narco is a good pain reliever lol.
  29. dingo77

    Pa Pa is upset !!!!!

    some people really need to be drug out in the street and SHOT!
  30. dingo77

    My Town Is Full of morons

    go down to wal-mart and get all the thick foam padding you can and wrap it around your car then out side of that line it with tires this should make your car safe to be driven