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  1. C

    360 help

    want to say stock main journal should be 2.81 That would make yours .0145 under. Even with a .010 bearing that is a ton of clearance
  2. RustyRatRod

    360 help

    The standard main journal diameter is 2.81". Either it's been turned, is a wore slam out standard, or you're misreading your caliper. If you're confident in your measurement, take it to a new machine shop. Sounds to me like your measurement is probably close if the plastigage is not compressed...
  3. joel d. snyder

    Fair price for bench seat reupholstery ?

    sometimes it's good to live in a small town. i just had both the front and back seats and all 4 side panels (door cards) in my duster done for $1200. not stock but very pretty cloth. no more scorching vinyl. lol
  4. J

    [WANTED] WANTED drop spindles

    no, those are chevy and they won't work. you need these:
  5. Dana67Dart

    Quarter glass roller

    Would you post a photo of your part and where it goes. I have an extra quarter glass that has some of the wheels still attached. Might be what you need?
  6. D

    360 help

    Hi all, I have a 73 360 engine my kids and I are assembling. I just got the block back from the machine shop. When we picked it up, I brought the crank in and he mic’d it to see if it was still in usable shape. He said it was but when we installed it tonight, we checked bearing clearance with...
  7. L

    [FOR SALE] 1973 Duster/Valiant lower valance end pieces

    I have a pair of the lower valance end pieces from a 74 Duster. I believe these are 73 and 74 only. They are both in nice condition. $60.00 shipped in US. PM me if interested.
  8. joel d. snyder

    12 Dad jokes

    howdy! 1. what is an english teacher's favorite breakfast food? synonym rolls. 2. why shouldn't you trust stairs? because they're always up to something.
  9. dukeboy440

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

  10. 72bluNblu

    Pictures of dashes

    Yeah unless it’s been changed in the last week or two Gold members can post pictures in conversations with anyone. The other member can only post pictures if they’re gold as well, but it doesn’t stop them from seeing pictures posted by a Gold member. I’ve posted plenty of pictures in...
  11. Car Nut

    1970 dart

  12. Car Nut

    Hello Everyone New Here!

  13. Dana67Dart

    Driveline vibration

    Ultimately something fixed it enough that my dad stopped pestering the dealer. I went back through my dad's noted. Ultimately the dealer in the first 2 years .... Replaced the ring and pinion Replaced one wheel due to run out Rebuilt the transmission Replaced the driveshaft And that was...
  14. panoply

    ‘63 and ‘64 Dart Hubcaps

    Hi Has anybody cracked the code on a great way to touch up the black areas surrounding the letters D-A-R-T on these caps? Also has anyone tried paint less dent removal on chrome areas to get these back to excellent condition? Thank you.
  15. Henchman

    [WANTED] WANTED drop spindles

    Do these work? They say for Chevy but look extremely similar
  16. RustyRatRod

    Driveline vibration

    Are you removing the bevel that the lug nuts center into when you drill to the 5/8 stud size? That bevel is important. It serves two purposes. First, it acts as a "lock" when the lug nuts tighten against it to keep the nuts from backing off. Secondly, it also helps center the wheel. If you...
  17. N

    Big NA Powa' (not MoPar but still it's a bad mother)

    Me too. I can’t wait to see how well it holds up and how well it runs. He’s running 435ish pounds on the seat and suspect he’s probably netting 1.000 lift so I’m assuming he’s 1200ish pounds over the nose. If it makes a full drag and drive event without killing several sets of springs I’ll be...
  18. Henchman

    [WANTED] WANTED drop spindles

    The link goes to summet for Chevy spindles.
  19. Garrett Ellison

    car that influenced me when I was young

    Dad's 1968 383 Coronet 500 back in '78 and the occasional Dodge Challenger going by us "Balls to the Wall" for me. Been car crazy ever since...
  20. RustyRatRod

    Edelbrock Torker II 340 on a 1966 273 v8??

    Read that sentence over and over and over until it hits you.

    Big NA Powa' (not MoPar but still it's a bad mother)

    I'd like to race the guy in the 3-6 k rpm range lol
  22. 4

    Quarter glass roller

    Hey guys,, I was assembling my 1969 dodge dart…quarter glass assembly ( what a pain) But found that when it was disassembled the roller for plate and rear track must have been broken,, it just has one black roller ( needs 2 ) one black and one white,,, I need two or need to find a place to get...
  23. RustyRatRod

    Converting a TQ to electric choke?

    Yup. I had forgotten about that. ........and I'm workin on a 9800 series right now so you'd think I'd remember, but heck no! lol
  24. dukeboy440

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    It’s worst than I thought. We got missed by about 1000 feet at the most. If the heading was 5 degrees off, direct hits
  25. Bobzilla

    Big NA Powa' (not MoPar but still it's a bad mother)

    Wow! He says it is 424 cubic inches and it is going into a drag and drive car. That makes me wonder what class it will compete in and what style transmission it will run? I am looking forward seeing what this does on the tracks and the drives.
  26. J

    Edelbrock Torker II 340 on a 1966 273 v8??

    i would strongly advise that if you can find a edelbrock performer intake to run one of those instead. it would be a much, much better fit all around. i know parts are scarce and few and far between, but i'd bet you can pull one up down there.
  27. nutz

    Where is the VIN stamped on a '70 340 block?

    that should be the car vin... are you(ford ch )or (for dch) sorry had to ask
  28. DentalDart

    Swinging for Divorce…

    I don’t have a fuel tank, electric fuel pump or anything. I have regular lines and a mech pump in the car now.