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  1. 1MeanA

    Glass seals trip for quarter window trim

    Yes the videos and instructions call for that. The issue I am having is what thickness of sealing strip. One piece looks like it has a very thin strip and the other looks like it has thicker 1/16 sealing strip. The stuff is not easy to get or cheap otherwise I would just buy both. Its over...
  2. abdywgn

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    was also in a Dodge colt station wagon...
  3. BrianT

    W2 or R/T heads?

    There is a pretty active FB group for W2/5/7/9 fans. Stuff is still available, you just have to look a little harder.
  4. C

    [WANTED] 1974 Dart parts needed

  5. O

    [WANTED] 1974 Dart parts needed

    Is this for a sport or swinger?
  6. Darter6

    1972 Plymouth Valiant 4 door Auto Slant 6

    Common on the Slant engines Good thought !
  7. PRH

    TOO MUCH ?

    Yup. Angles below where the valve seats for the intake……..radius on the exhaust.
  8. O

    [WANTED] PBR Small Block Heads

    Maybe @rumblefish360 ?

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I bet you like driving your fellow workers jealous
  10. MonkeyMadness

    My search for a shorty D100 is over

    Sweet truck! :usflag:
  11. Amata Bene

    TOO MUCH ?

    You're talking about the exhaust. Correct?
  12. PRH

    TOO MUCH ?

    It generally flows better with the radius, and you’re not trying to manage/re-atomize “wet flow”(like you are on the intake).
  13. Amata Bene

    TOO MUCH ?

    Mind you that I'm doing all this with pneumatic die grinders and several different shapes and sizes of double cut burring bits. And a butt load of HF sanding rolls.
  14. 70SwingerGuy

    Glass seals trip for quarter window trim

    Im pretty sure I remember a thread where @dadsbee was talking about it; it is supposed to be fairly tight fit, you 'll need a rubber mallet to install it
  15. PRH

    Big block / small block Rocker question

    Yup, BB rockers are longer.
  16. Amata Bene

    TOO MUCH ?

    Is that to get the bell shape I've seen people talking about. This much porting is all new to me. So yeah, you can teach an old dog new tricks.:lol:
  17. Unconventional

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    this variety found them in 4 different sizes, none of which are the desired size :lol: I even found them in 17 and 18" :rolleyes: I'm sure I saw a 15x6 but cannot find it now :lol:
  18. O

    [WANTED] Floor shift, Manual Steering Column. For 72 Duster

    I’ll have a look this weekend.
  19. MDchanic

    Bench Bleeding my Master Cylinder and...

    That little sucker can really stick in there. Great design, really – a lot of bang for the buck from a tiny piece of rubber. When you disassemble it normally, you loosen up the M/C attachment nuts, shim out the M/C from the firewall a bit, then go inside and give the brake pedal a HARD pull...