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  1. T

    Need advice on best Balancer

    Can I drive that? :steering:
  2. M

    Big block K-frame & brakes question

    OK then; I'm a little more informed than I was when I woke up today. Thanks for that! I guess everything I would need to mount a big block is already there. Final question on this subject, What is this all worth?
  3. B

    My Luck

  4. AirForceRacer

    Figured id share my garbage..

    Super Neat Build! Can't wait to see what she makes when all put together.
  5. B

    Pre bent fuel lines and electric pump recommendation

    Carter #4600 series elec pump if you want an external pump. 100gph. Two models, one is internally regulated other externally. I tested one & it delivered 90 gph at the carb. That is enough to feed 900 hp.
  6. S

    1965 MMP's Barracuda Hemi swap! The Ever Changing Build

    That barracuda will never get finished. I met that guy. He’s all talk. One of those computer mechanics that only type with their pinkys
  7. mopowers

    What Remflex exhaust gasket with TF heads?

    Yeah, I've never had any luck reusing them. Usually, they break off in pieces. They seal really well though.
  8. Scody21


    You know what sounds good right about now, is a Blanton’s Manhattan…
  9. AirForceRacer


    I'm a big Weller Fan. Can't go wrong with any of them IMO.
  10. D


    Guys, let's be careful here. I don't want to see the OP thread get shut down or anybody get banned
  11. B

    Going back to Chrysler ignition

    There is NO 300 ohm coil.....
  12. B

    What causes this?

    Manually move the shift lever on the trans to the 'P' position. If it starts, it is linkage adjustment. If not, the sw needs adjusting, post #4.

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Yesterday we had to check out of the resort at noon and our flight was not until 6:00 p.m.. so we went up to this Resort called Phu Quoc Grand World, just to check it out and see how it was. This place is huge and it's done in a theme of Italian and French buildings and so forth. Even has a...
  14. fishmens67


    He would set the fuse to a bad mixture
  15. D


  16. gdrill


    Dan’s thread? :realcrazy:
  17. standup303

    Is my ring gear pattern acceptable?

    Thanks I’ll check that once I get the car out.
  18. 92b

    Valve Clearance on Larger Camshaft and Flat Top Pistons

    The entire valve train can deflect. " When you change stiffness with a better rocker design, something like a stud girdle, stiffer rocker stand, or stiffer push-rod, the deflected lift is higher with less deflection." "Most are cheated up about a quarter to a half point so that the deflected...
  19. Scody21


    People have the right to drink and own guns, does not mean they should….
  20. B

    Valve Clearance on Larger Camshaft and Flat Top Pistons

    This cam with the intake at 102* will have about 0.200" valve lift with 1.5 rockers at TDC. The exh in at 110* will have about 0.165" valve lift at TDC. I would suggest the tiny amount [ if any ] of 'rocker flex' at 0.200" lift would be almost unmeasurable.
  21. Kern Dog

    The 360 build that has more turns than Willow Springs

    Two months and a week and the man STILL hasn't finished my engine. What the heck? I knew to expect S-L-O-W turnaround time but it isn't like this guy is buried in work. He is semi retired and doesn't take walk-in work because he isn't at the shop enough to be there if/when people stop in. How...
  22. xLURKxDOGx

    [WANTED] Poly 318 4 Barrel Intake

    Either Steel or aftermarket. Anyone have one or leads for one would be much appreciated. Thanks Jake
  23. Kern Dog

    What Remflex exhaust gasket with TF heads?

    I thought that Remflex were the ones that were soft and flexible. They seal where others do not. Maybe they have different styles?
  24. jw97neon

    1965 hemi dart

    Got my front and mid plates mounted. So happy to have this done.
  25. Desoto291hemi

    [FOR SALE] 727 Output Shaft

    Pm sent . Tommy
  26. T

    [FOR SALE] 727 Output Shaft

    This is a 727 output shaft in good condition. Asking $60 plus shipping PM me if interested. Thanks