AFR Heads

I am comparing to any of this family of Edelbrock copy head. They are all basically the same head. You can buy the “ shocker” cnc ported head, a company called Toth takes these heads and cnc ports them and sells them( or did) Hughes offers a fully ported stage 3 Edelbrock head, they even offer a “ big mouth” Eddie head that has the pushrod moved over, etc, etc, there are others too.
You do know that the Bloomers are just CNC ported as well, right.
They are CNC’ed at Bischoff’s( BES) get the valve job done there, then Rod assembles them with your spring choice. Same basic thing all these other CNC heads have done, including trick flows.
They are CNC ported, then trick flow sets up the springs per your choice, roller, flat tappet, hydraulic, etc.
Regards the AFR heads, they are just an Eddie knockoff like all these others, and from what I understand, have not been CNC ported.
Maybe where the misunderstanding is, only some of these heads have been CNC ported, and offered that way. I listed a number of them above
I just want to add that regardless of flow or performance or whatever, the trick flow actually is not an edelbrock copy, it is a much better designed casting than anything you mentioned.
The edelbrick design is a solid upgrade over stock. It has its place. For a performance application the bar is pretty low though. TF really should've bumped up the OOTB volume and flows to get over 300 reliable CFM.
Mentioned these upthread. Basically another CNC ported speedmaster type head.
That's nice and all. But it's really too bad we gotta buy borderline stock replacement parts and have them professionally hogged out. Look at all the sbc and SBF offerings. Easy to find options well north 300 cfm....that don't require weird offset rocker arms and drag race only solid roller cams.
That's nice and all. But it's really too bad we gotta buy borderline stock replacement parts and have them professionally hogged out. Look at all the sbc and SBF offerings. Easy to find options well north 300 cfm....that don't require weird offset rocker arms and drag race only solid roller cams.
TF made it so your average dude can make 500+ hp be nice someone step it up to 600 hp with good availability and price.
lol how many times does it need to be said.

We already have heads that will do 600 hp.

We do NOT need another head with non offset rockers.

No one will buy them anyway.

This x 100. Oh boo hoo a set of offset rockers are only $400 more than the standard set, that’s spilt milk in the grand scheme of building these small blocks.
Mass produce ? where the average guy with a credit card can go down to his local speed shop and pick up a set up ? you know. We actually don't have that option. The only options in that performance window require a lot of exotic hardware.

Offset rockers, crazy levels of porting. The options I've seen are mopar W heads (bad rep/lots of custom work required), W2 heads (lots of porting required, heavy cast iron nobody wants to touch = $$$$), Indy heads (costly rocker gear, still requires porting, CNC program known to have issues).

I guess there's bloomers but again... You're paying a porter to hog out the edelbrocks. And he won't port your edelbrocks or SM heads.

I know some here will be butt hurt, or think a disagreement is a personal attack. Please learn to control your ego and try to sense when your emotions are controlling you. It's so painfully obvious.

In other words I'm not against these options, but they aren't "OOTB" performance heads, and they are EXACTLY why the rest of the performance world.... RIGHTFULLY.... thinks us Mopar dudes are crazy. you know. We actually don't have that option. The only options in that performance window require a lot of exotic hardware.

Offset rockers, crazy levels of porting. The options I've seen are mopar W heads (bad rep/lots of custom work required), W2 heads (lots of porting required, heavy cast iron nobody wants to touch = $$$$), Indy heads (costly rocker gear, still requires porting, CNC program known to have issues).

I guess there's bloomers but again... You're paying a porter to hog out the edelbrocks. And he won't port your edelbrocks or SM heads.

I know some here will be butt hurt, or think a disagreement is a personal attack. Please learn to control your ego and try to sense when your emotions are controlling you. It's so painfully obvious.

In other words I'm not against these options, but they aren't "OOTB" performance heads, and they are EXACTLY why the rest of the performance world.... RIGHTFULLY.... thinks us Mopar dudes are crazy.

You are wrong on so many levels it's crazy.

What is exotic about offset rockers? 75% of performance heads out there have some offset.

There is no such thing as one size fits all ports, no matter how bad you want them.

What bad reputation? Because SOME heads had a porosity issue? How many of them actually leaked? I have no idea but I've seen many W5 heads that had porosity and didn't leak.

Show me TWO out of the box performance small block chevy 23 degree heads. I'd love to see them because they do not exist.

Sounds like you have the butt hurt issue.
I guess there's bloomers but again... You're paying a porter to hog out the edelbrocks. And he won't port your edelbrocks or SM heads.
Problem with heads like that is an average guy will generally never hear about them and or know where to get them, and even if they do would they be able to keep up with demand.

An easily available 600+ hp head would up the game for the average consumer.
I know some here will be butt hurt, or think a disagreement is a personal attack. Please learn to control your ego and try to sense when your emotions are controlling you. It's so painfully obvious.

In other words I'm not against these options, but they aren't "OOTB" performance heads, and they are EXACTLY why the rest of the performance world.... RIGHTFULLY.... thinks us Mopar dudes are crazy.
Agreed you know. We actually don't have that option. The only options in that performance window require a lot of exotic hardware.

Offset rockers, crazy levels of porting. The options I've seen are mopar W heads (bad rep/lots of custom work required), W2 heads (lots of porting required, heavy cast iron nobody wants to touch = $$$$), Indy heads (costly rocker gear, still requires porting, CNC program known to have issues).

I guess there's bloomers but again... You're paying a porter to hog out the edelbrocks. And he won't port your edelbrocks or SM heads.

I know some here will be butt hurt, or think a disagreement is a personal attack. Please learn to control your ego and try to sense when your emotions are controlling you. It's so painfully obvious.

In other words I'm not against these options, but they aren't "OOTB" performance heads, and they are EXACTLY why the rest of the performance world.... RIGHTFULLY.... thinks us Mopar dudes are crazy.
how do the W heads have a bad rep? crazy levels of porting, what you talking about? what is this exotic hardware you mention?

Not another one of these debates. you can not compare Chevy/Ford to anything Mopar. you should know that by now.
how do the W heads have a bad rep? crazy levels of porting, what you talking about? what is this exotic hardware you mention?
Might not be exotic too you but to the average guy it is, most don't have a tons of experience, what they do have is a credit card and a catalogue.
how do the W heads have a bad rep? crazy levels of porting, what you talking about? what is this exotic hardware you mention?

Not another one of these debates. you can not compare Chevy/Ford to anything Mopar. you should know that by now.
W heads are known to leak. They do require a lot of porting. They do require offset rocker gear and custom stuff such as headers. Is this incorrect?

Lol. Of course you can make comparisons. Within realistic limits, head flow is head flow, displacement is displacement. It doesn't matter the brand. I of course I knew this would trigger people but I really DGAF.