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OK. I did it... I blocked her for good, and she can't even look me up, and I cant look her up either...:)

Good move, now when you get that call/IM that she wants to "see" you, just say no...........Veiw her as "used goods" wouldn't wear another guys dirty drawers would you?
Dude.....I have read this 4 times now and I have to chime in. I lived it like many others who respond to you.

I can't believe you haven't gone out and gotten a new POA by now.

You have wasted 3 days whining about this stupid <delete> who is bent on wrecking you if you let her.

Every person on here who has told you to move on deserves a NOBEL PRIZE for intelligent responses.

There is nothing left but new days.

I went through this 4 times before I was 28.

Im 45 now and married HAPPILY for 12 years and forever to come. Do the math.

Grow up then get your girl and you will live HEA like the rest of us on here that did the same.

Time to end this thread.......and start a new one Monday.

No disrespect but.....c'mon. Ther is so much A$$ in the world...take it out on deserves and needs it.


I don't care how hot you think she is.....she is not even close to being as hot as the next girl you tag. I promise.

dude move on man, and it seems like your headed in the right direction...if the <delete> has to talk <delete> on facebook about you publicly, she is a first class gutter <delete> seeking attention and trying to make you feel like <delete>...DONT FEEL LIKE <delete>! shes the <delete> without the guy who cares about her now, not the other way around...your only goals in life should now be- building and finishing that sick *** dart, driving the cuda, and plugging any smokin babe you see...and man, who cares about you promising to drive her- your dart will be a magnet for all kinds of attention, good and bad, meaning nice *** in the passenger drive it around, enjoy the ladies who want a ride, let them ride you in the backseat, and as the cherry on top maybe you'll pass by the ex with the newfound hotty(s) in the car...the look on her face then will be priceless...

oh, and one more not listen to sobbing music, its just gonna make you feel crappier...dont know what your into, but for me i listen to metal, and nothing beats cranking up some thrash or power metal when in your in that kinda you the energy to feel you OWN the world LOL

good luck man! were all here for ya!
After my wife left I started on my cuda. Taking my time and got a bunch done. It did help get through the emotional stage.
Just put her "on the grease". The silent treatment. No more texts, facebook or any other source of communication. Chicks hate that and it'll twist her good. And it will do your heart and head alot of good not to have anything more to do with her - ever! You will have the upper hand and total control over the situation. End of story. I've had to do it a few times and each time they cried when I would not even ackowledge their presence when they wanted to talk to me. I totally ignored them and blew them off. Be cold as ice and move on.


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dude move on man, and it seems like your headed in the right direction...if the <delete> has to talk <delete> on facebook about you publicly, she is a first class gutter slut seeking attention and trying to make you feel like <delete>...DONT FEEL LIKE <delete>! shes the <delete> without the guy who cares about her now, not the other way around...your only goals in life should now be- building and finishing that sick *** dart, driving the cuda, and plugging any smokin babe you see...and man, who cares about you promising to drive her- your dart will be a magnet for all kinds of attention, good and bad, meaning nice *** in the passenger drive it around, enjoy the ladies who want a ride, let them ride you in the backseat, and as the cherry on top maybe you'll pass by the ex with the newfound hotty(s) in the car...the look on her face then will be priceless...

oh, and one more not listen to sobbing music, its just gonna make you feel crappier...dont know what your into, but for me i listen to metal, and nothing beats cranking up some thrash or power metal when in your in that kinda you the energy to feel you OWN the world LOL

good luck man! were all here for ya!

dude....act like you've been here before. you all...and also to getting there don't worry :)
Stay occupied (your head) both of them, there's always a colder beer and a hotter piece around the corner, trust me, been there done that, the hardest part is being alone with your thoughts, (stinkin thinkin) it ain't easy and ya gotta do this mostly by yourself. if it's meant to be it will be, but don't dwell on that sheite.
Last breakup i had, i sat in the shop drinkin'and shootin' at the ceiling, didn't get me anywhere and i coulda really f'ed things up for my self.
hang in there, stay in touch with friends and try not to spend time alone and drinking.

I'm a 63 yr old vet, and age and experience not have sheite to do with it, loves the greatest and it also sucks big time, make samne dudes do some stipid sheite, don't be one of them (us)

You make it, your a man ain't ya!!!!!!!!
didnt know words used so commonly by other members on here (even in this thread) were so offensive...either way good luck mopardude, now you have no excuse to get the dart done quicker!
how come Mshreds post has been censured but the copy in 1wilds post hasn't , kinda weird anyhow not to be too hard but are you 12 ? women out number men more than 3 to 1 in this world and every time some guy gets married he leaves 2 behind so grow some hair down there stopped whining and walk on "now serving #38"
you canucks never cease to amaze me, why don't ya'll cover us for a change!
ha my girlfriend and i just split too about a week ago. been together for 4.5years. it's definitely not easy to get about out there our your own but everything happens for a reason.

I dont like being alone either so thats why i try to keep my self busy whether thats with other girls, my buddies, or staying late at work. I've even started running again to get back in shape; im fit but i've been eating a lot of fast food so trying to regain my energy back.

It just takes time and positive thinking.
how come Mshreds post has been censured but the copy in 1wilds post hasn't , kinda weird anyhow not to be too hard but are you 12 ? women out number men more than 3 to 1 in this world and every time some guy gets married he leaves 2 behind so grow some hair down there stopped whining and walk on "now serving #38"

and to you mister...i stated that i was getting better..and im aware women outnumber, id appreciate it if you didnt be such an a$$ about it. i have hair down there, actually, i shave it, ladies dont like no
anyways, whatever. this thread will be closed soon. :)
Thread will be closed on request of the original poster. He seems to be doing much better and am sure appreciates your kind words and support.
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